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wrizzly created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

the neurons aren't connecting...

wrizzly created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

MC IS SO CUTE.. he probably tried so hard not to care but the minute he feels exposed he'd run away... ARGHHRVJD I LIKE TSUN....

I think I know where this I going...

wrizzly created a topic of How To Raise A Victim?

OK hold awn since the gap between this chapter and the last is far imma need to read it from the start bcs seeing God taking the form of a blond twink js taking me out

Love how bro just gonna run in his underwear. Agility +10 ig

wrizzly created a topic of Pick Me Up

This is so good ngl i love seeing the mc finally making some funny faces in the nilfheim

wrizzly created a topic of Double Trap

Did yall read all that hnghh text bubble and sfxs.. I did out of respect for this unholy chp

wrizzly answered question about question
wrizzly created a topic of 1 to 10

Keep being vague and I'll add more oil to the flame bcs you're in a relationship dawg be more affirmative or your bf gonna start thinking you a manwhore or whatever!! Why am I talking like this bitch is real anyways


They're gonna boom shakalaka for a few chapters

wrizzly answered question about question
Ngl I watched it first for doomed yuri and that white bitch (luka) but the doomed yaoi is so good (thank you to qmeng) My fav song was ruler of my heart and black sorrow
wrizzly created a topic of Dreadful Night

I knew the author would make him an intj. His personality is too similar with someone I know and he's intj too

wrizzly answered question about question
Was about to give some old yaoi since they're naturally fked up like that but then I saw straight
wrizzly created a topic of Comes In Threes


wrizzly answered question about question
What pedo stuff bro was it bcs caste heaven took place in highschool? If yeah doesn't that technically made all BL/Yuri/straight manga with highschool characters that do the deed a cp

not refunding money after all that?? In this economy?? Nah

wrizzly answered question about question
Dark haired guys that is forever doomed by writing