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[NoName] created a topic of I Don't Want to Work!

She and Charlotte should start a club "Raising our disciples incorrectly club"

[NoName] created a topic of Perfect Surgeon

I'm glad even with the AI, he still tries to learn and still showed him as a smart student in school before the AI.

Damn this man is GLORIOUS, coming from me who don't ride on 3D di)KS that's saying alot.

[NoName] created a topic of Perfect Surgeon

For some reason I keep thinking of the Japanese medical drama Dr. X whilst reading this. I love it

Guys so are we by chance living the probation period before the game starts? So we literally incarnations and who are we picking as constellations?

I'm scared yall but I can't stop reading

[NoName] created a topic of HUNTER WORLD'S GARDENER

After reading about the little people from peaceland, now I look at the prince and his people like little people

If I tell you I understand wats going on then I'm a liar but this woman here is no quitter and I'm going to keep reading till the end

Naah I'm a quitter alright

Well I get how he feels cos sometimes tentacles might seem hot but sticky tentacles....Now that's a kicker barf

I'm sorry but why mature and tame version? Do we have any underage readers? And if so are they that naive that they will choose tame version instead of mature version? Sorry if I'm projecting but in my younger days I used to hide to read those R rated harlequin series so I tot everyone was like me(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

[NoName] created a topic of Skip Beat

Am I the only one who wants to see more romantic development or progress between Kyoko and Ren? My time is running, im literally now a whole ass wife and and mother but they still at high-school crushing and teenager blushing phase. Maybe they will move to next stage wen my first son makes me a grandmother

[NoName] created a topic of Mercenary Enrollment

Can a student ever be better than the teacher? Why do all teachers feel like students can't ever surpass them?

We've got a gangster bike riding centaurs. Lmao

I might have missed something cos is this really the end?

I read somewhere that she might be the child of this delicious man and the empress. I mean their hair and eyes match but I need more spoilers. Novel readers anyone?

And guys did yall see his shoulders? You know wat they say about men with wide shoulders(⊙…⊙ )

Why all pretty boys gotta have mommy issues? Now I'm worried about my sons( ̄∇ ̄")

[NoName] created a topic of Gakuen Babysitters

Pouty kirin looks the young pouty obaasan(⌒▽⌒)

Imagine having such a daddy....I might be called selfish but yup I'm not gonna let him marry EVER. We will grow old till we die

Hahaha I laughed so hard with my body shaking whilst reading the latest update my breastfeeding baby gave me the stink eye for disturbing his feeding

Yo I know some pretty egoistic people in real life so wen I see chun myung smashing the heads of egoistic people in the manhwa, I get this adreline pump cos I know I can't do it in real life. Do I need a therapist?

[NoName] created a topic of Royal Marriage

Isekai truck if I ever come to need ur services please I wanna be Regina