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Chiyuki May 13, 2020 8:15 pm

Hello. I was wondering if someone can help me find a specific webtoon. I think it's only a one shot since it's to promote the novel. I cant remember the specifics but the ml had said the mc when will the 10years come?

Chiyuki December 31, 2019 6:41 pm

Hello! I need help searching for a specific manga. I remember it not being too long. It's about a man going into an elevator that is in the apartment complex of his lover. The reason why he left was cause he got a message that his wife was in labor, giving birth. He is in the elevator with I think 4 or 5 people when the elevator suddenly stops. Then each of the people in it shared their horror stories about something terrible they did. In the end, the man died because I think, the little sister of his wife was not happy that he cheated on her

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