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SkepticCyndaquil's feed

SkepticCyndaquil created a topic of Nerd Project

I actually wasn't expecting a confession scene so soon but HOLY SHIT it was so worth it ( TT◡TT )

The way Andrew was literally unable to hold back his feelings, which were SO intense that they made him go from laughing to crying in the same scene....... it was simply beautiful excuse me while i sob loudly in the corner

And Luke........ after receiving such a heartfelt confession, accompanied by a tight hug charged with all of Andrew's feelings... no wonder he immediately forgot all of his doubts from before LOL i think anyone would MELT after your loved one, notorious for keeping his life secret, promises to tell you everything while showering you with kisses ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

My heart feels full so i don't even care if there's no sex scene any time soon LOL i just want them to be together and happy ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~