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Art3mis92's experience ( All 0 )

Art3mis92's answer ( All 1 )

Kyou, Koi Wo Hajimemasu I stopped after the 4th or 5th time the main girl tried to end things with the bf ("oh he would rather be with her," or "oh she has the same hobby as him so he's going to fall for her."). It started to get on my nerves real bad.   reply
14 10,2020

Art3mis92's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did how are u guys doing in school

great, all A's, grown closer to friends, still had some not so great moments that regret, just hoping for better next year

3 hours
did how are u guys doing in school

I'm still crying. I should've done better. I have so many regrets. I'm scared because I can't see my future. I'm high achiever yet I fell.

4 hours
did survived suicide

very not fun cause it hurt

9 hours