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yuki June 2, 2019 2:57 pm

Aoi's friend (that I can't even remember the name of because I dont like him) has seen Daikouku before. In chapter 3. So why wasn't he even remotely familiar to him when he saw him at the cafe thingy? Wtf.

yuki's questions ( All 2 )

yuki May 12, 2019 2:06 am

So here we are again. I need help finding yet another manga that I read a few years back. I should just start explaining the plot, shouldn't I? Yeah...... let's do that...


Dude A likes Dude B but dude B has a gf or something like that and Dude A finds a book that tells the future and it was like, 'yo, your homie over there ain't gon' be yours, he gon' marry that one chick' and of course that inspires dude A to be like, 'yo, I gotta tell dude B how I feel before I fuck my life up 'n shit.' And then he got together with Dude B and was gonna tell 'em how he felt, but every time he tried to say it, something interrupted him and that's about all I remember.(⌒▽⌒)

yuki March 8, 2019 2:33 am

I cant remember the name of this manga, but there is this dude A that meets this other dude, whom which i will call dude B. Dude A is into older guys so he puts a blindfold on while they are having sex. They fall in love with each other and whatnot. But it turns out Dude B was hired to keep Dude A occupied becuase Dude A was into Dude C, who found Dude A's love annoying. Can anyone help me? Please?!

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Have you ever confessed to a crush? 06-27 16:04

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