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Nyx's experience ( All 0 )

Nyx's answer ( All 4 )

Maybe... I wish I can stop reading yaoi someday. Tbh I used to hate yaoi, not a fan at all. I despised this yaoi thing with all my heart ksksks who have thought I'd later became a fan??(▰˘◡˘▰)   3 reply
23 03,2019
When I was three or something(idk) I almost chocked to death because of a fokeng small coin hehhhh stupid me for thingking it was edible   reply
08 03,2019
I was like "OMG WHAT A SINFUL THING TO READ! " and continue reading it anyway. Silently fangirling ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭   1 reply
03 02,2019
Being alone.   reply
16 01,2019

Nyx's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

want to do made true friends

i havent made any friends that lasted for long, they usually tend to drift away whether it be physically or emotionally :')

1 hours
want to do discord server

Just do it

7 hours
want to do discord server


7 hours