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This dumb fuck downloaded Grindr

Short chapters, but it's still fun. Whoever have it a 1 star saying "he could've search for material or use his imagination blah blah blah" bro are you really reading BL expecting realism very few out there are truly realistic, I love romance of all shapes and colours and BL always has the weirdest plots by far

nightwave created a topic of Negative-kun & Gyaru Boy

Small Hana is so cute. I know the manga is about to end but I wish we'd see Hana's mom actually changing for him. There's such a tiny glimpse of that but it's nowhere near enough to begin redemption. Poor baby views himself in such a bad light but he's sweet and caring and unprejudiced.

nightwave like the answer
Marriage doesn’t have to be catholic. Can people stop trying to force their religion onto everybody else?

Ugh they're so cute in dying of diabetes, and the art is beautiful and

Dohu is probably on the spectrum, but since he's in his late 20s he was born during a time where barely anyone got diagnosed and he was just constantly told he was "not normal", so he doesn't even realise how caring and loving he's been to Juheon, but in his own way. People think he has no empathy but he goes into nurturing mode as soon as he hears his, uhm, "friend" cough.

nightwave created a topic of To The Stars and Back

Guys, you're screaming to the void here, there's no uploader, it's a bot.
You can usually see the name of the uploader next to each chapter when it's an actual person doing it.

I got lost and found the wrong Han Garam. I'm not complaining though.

nightwave created a topic of Negative-kun & Gyaru Boy

Thank you so much for picking this up! I adore this manga, those two are super cute

nightwave created a topic of Let's Skip the Handshake

I love how stupid it is BUT what I love the most is the character design. Seo Lee Jae is just a big baby I love how he looks.

nightwave created a topic of I Want to Spoil You

Always choosing the best manga and the worst credit pages. Thanks for uploading.


1) He told he would fuck a girl to his classmate because that's the answer the classmate was expecting. What did you all think was going to happen? That he'd just come out of the closet and say "nah I actually would rather suck my childhood friend's dick, you know, our classmate?"
2) Bisexual people exist. Are you all 12?

nightwave created a topic of A Dick-scovery

Funnily enough, condoms that are too small for you don't hurt, they just cut your circulation and make you lose your boner. Usually not a problem for long dicks, but thick ones.

nightwave created a topic of It will be added, Soon

Don't worry guys, he recovers his dick at one point. I don't know when or how because I just found the raws for the entire first season and jumped to the last chapters, so that's the only thing I can tell you.
I wouldn't mind a consensual, nontoxic "boy meets girl" but not like this xd
Oh, and the french version is uncensored if you're interested. It has 12 chapters so far.

nightwave created a topic of Given

Because Uenoyama deserved better. I know this story is about grief, and that losing a loved one when you're a teenager makes grieving even more difficult due to your lack of emotional maturity, but I didn't like the way it was written. This was also a romance manga, and Ue and Mafuyu were supposed to be the main couple and grow together. At points, it felt like they were stuck in one place because the Yuki issue was being dragged for too long, and OF COURSE people would think Uenoyama feels like a rebound and not an actual boyfriend because the pacing of this story made it seem that way. Nine full volumes and Yuki was still there, it was tiring.
There are definitely better ways to write a romance story with grieving elements. Hopefully this time skip is more refreshing.

nightwave created a topic of I won't part with you!

I've been feeling too old to read highschool romance but I can't skip one where a whole group of friends is being super supportive, those are my favourites

nightwave created a topic of Can't Think Straight

But I hope the character redemption arc extends beyond their relationship and includes him coming out to friends and family (and as BISEXUAL because god forbids most comics recognise it as a legit thing). It'd be hilarious if he expected his family to disown him or whatever just for them to end up accepting Garam because finally, their good-for-nothing son is trying hard in university and has some kind of goal in life now, lol. And if it's because of a dude, so be it.

nightwave created a topic of Can't Think Straight

I love this part of the manhwa not only for the arc, but Jaehyuk's features have been getting softer and less "macho." Sure, Garam looks a bit softer too but now they both look the same age although with an obvious size difference.
I just love how they look now.

nightwave created a topic of Merry Marbling

Someone like Mi-Rye falling in love with cutesy, dummy Kyungbin gives me life. Seeing Mi-Rye say "he's so damn precious" killed me the first time I read it in Korean and it killed me now again I love them