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    BlackBelle April 26, 2020 1:33 pm

    Saw this on Twitter. Had to share. (⌒▽⌒)

    Cinammon April 26, 2020 5:41 pm

    Sounds like Doyun going all 'alpha' on some poor competitors: ''He's mine''.

    Aka April 26, 2020 10:46 pm
    Sounds like Doyun going all 'alpha' on some poor competitors: ''He's mine''. Cinammon

    Or maybe he's presenting taehan as his boyfriend to his coworkers (=・ω・=)

    Tae April 27, 2020 3:16 am
    Or maybe he's presenting taehan as his boyfriend to his coworkers (=・ω・=) @Aka

    I was thinking about this too... or maybe it’s the introduction to the rest of his family? I’m really hoping for that scene to come soon! Either way, Aeju is such a tease! (≧∀≦) But I’m thankful she likes to post this kind of thing since it helps with waiting for the next chapter

    Thanks for sharing!

    Camoy_05 April 27, 2020 4:25 am

    Awwww that was sooooo cute ;v;

    cr6zym0nkeyiz April 28, 2020 4:07 pm

    Whenever Aeju posts teasers like that it makes it 10X harder to wait for the next update. All I'm thinking is I want more! Gimmmee!

    And it definitely looks like he's telling someone about his relationship with Taehan and I'm so here for it! I love Doyun being all Taehan is mine!

BlackBelle April 21, 2020 4:22 pm

So if you don’t know, when you try to load new works on mangago, you have to load it through another, already posted work. The person behind the scenes that does the actual loading has to read the report and see what’s what, and sometimes they miss that it’s new and post it under the wrong title.

I found the new work, which for some reason didn’t post on the updates.

BlackBelle April 1, 2020 12:56 pm

Mangago deleted my original post so let’s see if I can post it trying to be tricky. (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    BlackBelle April 1, 2020 12:56 pm

    Lezhin Korea currently has 5 bonus coins available for Love Shuttle TODAY. I logged in to see if today’s episode was up yet, and saw they sent me the bonus coins. Anyone that doesn’t have Lezhin, here’s how it works: you log in, they post a link in your message box with a picture of the comic and day here you go, 5 coins for free to use on this comic. You say okay! They then give you the coins, and a direct link to the comic. You pick ANY episode you don’t have and it will redeem 3 of your 5 free coins.

    Its 100% free support for the author, so if you love love shuttle and want the raws, whether it’s the side story or a different one, go give her love! Bonus coins do expire usually within a week.

BlackBelle March 23, 2020 1:38 am

They are just so adorkable. ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄

BlackBelle March 21, 2020 2:24 pm

So this isn’t my summary, but all the gross negatively revolving around this side story and people freaking out come Chapter 2 seriously made me want to avoid all the topics on here. Based on this Manhwa’s story structure with Doyun and Taehan, it wasn’t what it seemed to be. So here’s a summary.


Doc is thinking the more he watches Dojun the more he likes. He’ll probably get punched but that's okay, so he just leans over and kisses Dojun. He takes a moment to even remove his glasses & kisses him again!

Dojun grabs him saying you bastard! Doc says now he’s got the right response, just in case, he didnt forget he slept with him right? He asked how long hes gonna care about Doyun? Pay more attention to himself.

Doc sits back down and says Dojun came to see him out of curiosity about that day. Doc doesnt think he’ll believe him anyway, so he asks would you like to do the same thing as that day? Maybe you’ll remember. How about it?

So they're at a hotel again, they even got the same room. Dojun’s staring at the bed. Doc says don’t be so nervous, he won't go all the way today as hes taking Dojun coat off. Dojun tells him to remove his hands, but doc grabs his arms and puts it over his shoulder saying doesn’t he remember? On that day as soon as they got to the room he put his arms around his neck. Dojun tells him dont lie. Doc laughs, he did lie. Actually, what happened was they had another drink when they got there. He thought Dojun was too drunk at the time so he even moved him to the bed.

-Flashback- Dojun, staring at the bed remembers himself asking doc about his intrest in alphas and does he like him. Doc at the time said he liked him. Dojun thought because of Doyun? Doc admitted it was what peaked his interest, but he was sure he’d like him even if they met differently. Dojun suddenly said he thinks it’ll be okay. He thinks he can sleep with him. Doc said does he realize the place they're in? Thats dangerous. Dojun replies he wants to feel someone's else’s heat. Doc couldnt resist, he got on top asking if Dojun is cold? Dojun leans up and kisses Doc, and then escalated to sex. -End Flashback-

Dojun remembers he asked doc to sleep with him. Dojun had a vague feeling he had but... Suddenly doc pushes him down and gets on top! He asked is that all you remember? Dojun didn’t forget the important thing, right?

    Tae March 21, 2020 5:05 pm

    Same here! I didn’t want to jump to any conclusions and give doc the benefit of the doubt. I do understand the worry, but Love shuttle is not Hogu Hagyeoungsu! (which I finally finished, btw - some good moments, but definitely not my cup of tea)

    Anyway, Dojun wanting to feel someone else’s warmth was honestly so precious. I love him!

    BlackBelle March 21, 2020 6:55 pm
    Same here! I didn’t want to jump to any conclusions and give doc the benefit of the doubt. I do understand the worry, but Love shuttle is not Hogu Hagyeoungsu! (which I finally finished, btw - some good mom... Tae

    Right?! I still haven’t finished that one. Too stressful on my nerves but I WILL do it at some point. Lol.

    Honestly, I really do love this couple. Dojun is so awkward and has no self confidence, while then you have the Doctor who has confidence to spare.

    The part about Dojun wanting to feel someone else’s warmth really got me. I mean how long had he been alone? I just wanted to give him hugs! lol Good thing the Doc was there. (⌒▽⌒)

    Myaoi March 23, 2020 3:28 pm

    Where did you guys read it.

    BlackBelle March 23, 2020 4:06 pm
    Where did you guys read it. Myaoi

    You can see summaries and screenshots on Instagram.

    Kuudere Kuudere March 23, 2020 5:18 pm

    Yh I was looking at it with an open mind as well since I can't read Korean

BlackBelle March 1, 2020 3:39 pm

Okay this is NOT my summary. Please look up on Instagram, there’s a ton of summaries with pic snippets.

So... Spoilers!

In what seems to be another dream/memory, Dojun was asking himself why was his omega brother stronger than him when he was supposed to protect him. The flashback shows a young Dojun trying to bring boxes into the house, but struggling. A very young Doyun literally picks Dojun up and sets him aside, then carries in all the boxes himself.

Back to present day, Dojun had a blurry dream about him having a drink with Jinyoung, though he couldn't make out that it was Jinyoung. Jinyoung asked Dojun if he was jealous of Doyun. “That’s not it.” Dojun was asking himself why was he sharing everything he had kept inside all this time, and then Dojun woke up on Jinyoung's chest.

When Dojun realized Jinyoung was beside him, he fell off the bed. He then remembered that the last thing they did the night before was them drinking together. Then Dojun saw the marks on his wrist, his mind wanders off to their steamy night. Jinyoung asked him how was it sleeping with an alpha?

Dojun was flustered and quickly put on his clothes and left. Jinyoung, who was awake the whole time, noticed him leaving without saying a word. He asked himself what should he do now that he slept with Dojun. (What I gather is he only sleeps with someone once) Jinyoung thought back the night before and thought that was the first time he saw Dojun being honest with him and he just couldn't let him go.

Jinyoung came to Dojun's office and asked him if he had found him a home yet. Dojun answered him no but he will contact him soon. Seeing they were alone, Jinyoung then asked Dojun if his body was okay. He asked why did Dojun left without a word and that he should have woken him up instead. Dojun was triggered and said that he couldn't remember anything and asked Jinyoung does he always take advantage of druken people like that.

Jinyoung got up in Dojun's face and asked him what did he do? Dojun had said he couldn't remember last night. Dojun said he hated Jinyoung since the day they met but Jinyoung counter back by saying didn't he thank him before for looking after Doyun? He probably had hurt his pride for thanking him. Jinyoung then asked Dojun to go back to work looking for his new place.

    FanFanTulipe March 1, 2020 3:55 pm

    How did u get those info ? Where r those chapters ? Thanks

    BlackBelle March 1, 2020 4:04 pm
    How did u get those info ? Where r those chapters ? Thanks FanFanTulipe

    Instagram. Search #loveshuttle and there will be posts from the chapter. Some of the folks are nice enough to give a summary with the pics.

    cr6zym0nkeyiz March 1, 2020 4:06 pm

    Thanks, BlackBelle! I've been waiting for the summaries/translations on Insta but those I follow seem to be a little late with it today!

    Gotta say Jinyoung is especially hot without his glasses on. Like HOT DAMN!

    BlackBelle March 1, 2020 4:21 pm
    Thanks, BlackBelle! I've been waiting for the summaries/translations on Insta but those I follow seem to be a little late with it today! Gotta say Jinyoung is especially hot without his glasses on. Like HOT DAM... cr6zym0nkeyiz

    Right?!?! Dojun was looking cute too. ^^ I especially liked his look when he was looking down at the sleeping doc when he was about to leave.

    I’m getting the feeling that Dojun has a bit of a inferiority complex. With the flashbacks of him being told he was a disappointment, to being weaker than Doyun, now he slept with the doc, another alpha and was the bottom. Not really a shocker, actually but I like how this is progressing.

    cr6zym0nkeyiz March 1, 2020 6:29 pm
    Right?!?! Dojun was looking cute too. ^^ I especially liked his look when he was looking down at the sleeping doc when he was about to leave. I’m getting the feeling that Dojun has a bit of a inferiority comp... BlackBelle

    I feel so sad for Dojun. Being told that you are a disappointment when you were a child for not being an Omega. That is NOT okay. I really hope he gets some sort of closure for this situation at some point

    But I wanna laugh at how strong Doyun was even as a kid. Like dude, you're superman. Haha!

    BlackBelle March 1, 2020 7:16 pm
    I feel so sad for Dojun. Being told that you are a disappointment when you were a child for not being an Omega. That is NOT okay. I really hope he gets some sort of closure for this situation at some pointBut I... cr6zym0nkeyiz

    Pfft, Doyun just lifting Dojun like a pillow was just great. He didn’t even blink like it was so normal. Hahaha

    FanFanTulipe March 1, 2020 8:13 pm
    Instagram. Search #loveshuttle and there will be posts from the chapter. Some of the folks are nice enough to give a summary with the pics. BlackBelle


    Tae March 1, 2020 10:53 pm
    Thanks, BlackBelle! I've been waiting for the summaries/translations on Insta but those I follow seem to be a little late with it today! Gotta say Jinyoung is especially hot without his glasses on. Like HOT DAM... cr6zym0nkeyiz

    Yessss! Doc was insanely hot without glasses in this chapter, though he also looks great in them too. I don’t know if anyone else noticed, but his frames changed again for the side story and they’re my favorite ones yet.

    I’m a bit sad most of the previous night’s events were skipped, and not just because I wanted to see the smut (because duh... obviously they’re both super hot). I also wanted to see how they got together and what exactly led up to it. Doc seemed to be offended that Dojun was blaming him for taking advantage (just going off of multiple differently-worded summaries that I’ve read - a translation clarification would be really helpful here!). I just wonder what actually happened and want to give doc the benefit of the doubt.

    Tae March 1, 2020 11:00 pm
    Pfft, Doyun just lifting Dojun like a pillow was just great. He didn’t even blink like it was so normal. Hahaha BlackBelle

    Lol! I absolutely love how Doyun was a beast even when he was so little!

    BlackBelle March 2, 2020 1:12 am
    Yessss! Doc was insanely hot without glasses in this chapter, though he also looks great in them too. I don’t know if anyone else noticed, but his frames changed again for the side story and they’re my fa... Tae

    Wow, I hadn’t noticed the glasses change. They look really good, I like!

    I also wish we saw what led up to the evening events. I’m guessing Dojun forgot something (not surprising). Thoughts on what? Regardless, I do feel bad Dojun is so upset. I am hoping Doc can help make him feel like an alpha.

    Tae March 2, 2020 10:04 pm
    Wow, I hadn’t noticed the glasses change. They look really good, I like! I also wish we saw what led up to the evening events. I’m guessing Dojun forgot something (not surprising). Thoughts on what? Regardl... BlackBelle

    Well, I’m rather into glasses so I usually notice changes like that. And speaking of changes, Dojun also had another eye color change moment that I forgot to mention before. Right as he noticed his situation after waking up, his eyes were definitely blue! The Taehan resemblance continues

    About the previous night, I really don’t know. I think maybe I’m just hoping for a misunderstanding or that Dojun forgot something so the situation is less dubious. I want to root for them. I will say that the snippets of the night that Dojun recalled were surprisingly tame compared to what I imagined their encounter to be like since they’re both alphas. For example, doc holding his hand and kissing it actually looked kind of sweet. Obviously, we didn’t see most of what happened and I could be way off, but I imagined it to be a little more... I don’t know... rough? Anyway, I agree with you that Dojun will hopefully get his confidence back as an alpha in some way!

    FanFanTulipe March 3, 2020 6:54 am
    Well, I’m rather into glasses so I usually notice changes like that. And speaking of changes, Dojun also had another eye color change moment that I forgot to mention before. Right as he noticed his situatio... Tae

    I m wondering how old is Dojun...Dojun is 26, isn’t ?

    FanFanTulipe March 3, 2020 6:55 am
    I m wondering how old is Dojun...Dojun is 26, isn’t ? FanFanTulipe

    I mean Dohun is 26

    BlackBelle March 3, 2020 1:48 pm
    I mean Dohun is 26 FanFanTulipe

    Author hasn’t indicated Dojun’s age yet, other than he seems to be at lease a few years older in the flashbacks. Dojun looks like he’s in middle school when Doyun looks to be in primary.

    BlackBelle March 3, 2020 1:52 pm

    I was looking back on the raws for this chapter, and I noticed at the bus stop, Dojun was looking at his phone. Translation said it was his mom? I’m curious if this is going to be a plot point.

BlackBelle February 23, 2020 12:54 am

So I’ve been on Aeju’s Twitter, and someone asked why Dojun is the only one with black hair. Her response was “It's not a very big reason, but I'm wondering if I'll put it in later. If I can't draw it, I'll post it on Twitter.”

Any thoughts on what this reason could be? My thought was maybe he takes after a grandparent?

    akane006 February 23, 2020 12:57 am

    That´s a good question, I think it is pretty cool that he´s the only black-haired cinnamon roll...

    Tae February 23, 2020 2:53 am

    I wonder if that’s actually the mom’s natural hair color? Maybe she dyes her hair?

    akane006 February 23, 2020 3:57 am

    Actually, in mangas or webtoons, the hair color not necessarily follows the norm. So we can see a mother and a father with red and blue hair and their children can have black or green hair...

    FanFanTulipe February 27, 2020 9:23 pm
    I wonder if that’s actually the mom’s natural hair color? Maybe she dyes her hair? Tae

    Me and my brother are dark blonde with blue eyes- we got probably from grand parents coz our parents have green, brown eyes and dark hair

    Kuudere Kuudere March 13, 2020 3:57 pm

    Maybe it's a genetic how Doyun is an Omega yet he's thick and strong as fck, but the brother is an alpha and isn't an strong plus he's got black hair...idk maybe the parents together probably make genetic mutations(idk the proper way to describe it it sounds kinda bad the way I'm describing it, but I mean it in a good type of way, don't kill me plz) their kids are 50% normal 50% rare type of thing...maybe the dad is a Rr but the mom is a RR type of genetic thing...I guess??

    akane006 February 22, 2020 1:01 am

    ヾ(☆▽☆)(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    Yaoifan69 February 22, 2020 6:17 am

    Ive never been so grateful and excited at the same time ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

BlackBelle February 21, 2020 5:23 pm

hitsujisamascans Basically has said they don’t have a ton of time and needs help. They also have a bunch of new manga they wanna scanlate if the current projects get done.

So what I’m saying is if someone can help them out, or if you know someone that can help them out, get in touch with them!!

BlackBelle February 18, 2020 6:26 pm

Chill a bit. You’re freaking the other fandoms out. I go and make a love shuttle suggestion (for best Omegaverse anyone might wanna read) and they are all “nah man, those people are rabid crazy”. (⊙…⊙ )

Best source for “leaks” is Aeju’s Twitter. She posts pics and info about her other new work coming up, but no info about what’s to come. If you see anything posted by anyone other than Aeju, it’s just rumors.

So here’s what’s known: first episode of season 2 is out on Feb 22 in Korea. It’s the Doc and brother side story, which will be 5 episodes long, then main season will go back to Taehan and Doyun.

THATS IT. But for some awesome pics, visit her Twitter.

See y’all in 4 days for gushing. (≧∀≦)

    Ochako February 18, 2020 7:59 pm

    ヾ(☆▽☆) Thanks for the info!!

    cr6zym0nkeyiz February 19, 2020 1:13 am

    I really wish Lezhin had their own comment/forum section for each of their series, b/c I swear Mangago can be so exhausting sometimes. It's like why can't everyone just get along? We're here b/c we love manga/manhwa, so why is being civil to each other so difficult.

    BlackBelle February 19, 2020 1:29 am
    I really wish Lezhin had their own comment/forum section for each of their series, b/c I swear Mangago can be so exhausting sometimes. It's like why can't everyone just get along? We're here b/c we love manga/m... cr6zym0nkeyiz

    100% for sure. I would totally love Lezhin forever if they did have comments for their series. Lol I would live on a few of them.

    Ami February 19, 2020 1:49 am

    Thank you for the info and I'm sorry for my joke spinning this entire fandom out of control I just want it to stop

    aheathwood4 February 19, 2020 3:54 am
    Thank you for the info and I'm sorry for my joke spinning this entire fandom out of control I just want it to stop Ami

    You did nothing wrong sweetie people are deliberately turning it into this. It's ok they will get bored soon enough.

    BlackBelle February 19, 2020 3:55 am
    Thank you for the info and I'm sorry for my joke spinning this entire fandom out of control I just want it to stop Ami

    No worries. :) I’m just excited to see the new episode in 4 days!! I will totally admit that I’m really looking forward to Dojun and the Doc’s story. There isn’t a lot of true Alpha x Alpha stories out there. 4 days and you will see a few of us regulars on here geeking about the raws. (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    BlackBelle February 19, 2020 3:57 am
    I really wish Lezhin had their own comment/forum section for each of their series, b/c I swear Mangago can be so exhausting sometimes. It's like why can't everyone just get along? We're here b/c we love manga/m... cr6zym0nkeyiz

    Hahaha, I just sent a suggestion to Lezhin to open a forum or comments on the series. NOT that it think they will listen, but it’s really a good idea!

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