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Holy shit let me go reread that was hot

RogueAres created a topic of I Used to be a Boss

I love my tan men they always look so cool on paper

RogueAres created a topic of I Used to be a Boss

The romance.isn't too bad, I'm just a bit prissy about who the FL is that's all

RogueAres created a topic of Auto-Hunting With Clones

The clones are so sexy it's illegal. Mana condense gal is so lucky I'd let them all rail if I was her

RogueAres created a topic of WindBreaker
RogueAres created a topic of PASSION

I got so confused near the end TT and how is this not done yet

RogueAres created a topic of Fate Between Neighbors

I wasted my time and sleep

RogueAres created a topic of Slammer Dogs

Gray hair probably has a lot of kinks, waiting for permission to fck and not complaining when you don't get to, at this point it's how he wants to play the game

RogueAres created a topic of Shutline
RogueAres created a topic of Slammer Dogs

Definitely something up with gray hair

RogueAres created a topic of WindBreaker

Well things just got a lot gayer

RogueAres created a topic of Welcome to Club Oasis

Idk why I wasted my life reading this

RogueAres created a topic of Kill Me

Women like her make me gay

RogueAres created a topic of Itoshi no Kemukujara

I genuinely had to question my morals when I saw the mask at first then he took it off and I was like i.guess not today

RogueAres created a topic of My Darling Liar Boy

Always the good stuff that are so short

RogueAres created a topic of Believe My Sign

No because now I'm crying literally sobbing