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caropearo61 like topic of Yours to Claim

I can understand y ppl don’t like Jooin bc of his indecisiveness and how it hurt the ppl around him. But personally, I don’t like Cain the most because he took advantage of Jooin’s heartbreak for Yahwi. If it weren’t for him, Jooin may have been able to firmly decide on what to do with Yahwi.

When ppl r going thru heartbreak, they need someone to lean on and Cain made himself look like that for him. But he was only out for his own selfish reasons too. Of course Jooin was indecisive bc he felt bad for taking advantage of Cain EVEN THO CAIN TOLD HIM TOO!! Not to mention Cain kept ignoring his boundaries pushing him to go further.

Jooin had no where to think too! So of course he’d keep running away from these guys! Yeesh let the man get up!

I mean at least we know that Yahwi is a shitty selfish person but so was Cain. And Cain was unhelpful and worsened the situation. (╬ ̄皿 ̄)

caropearo61 created a topic of Yours to Claim

I can understand y ppl don’t like Jooin bc of his indecisiveness and how it hurt the ppl around him. But personally, I don’t like Cain the most because he took advantage of Jooin’s heartbreak for Yahwi. If it weren’t for him, Jooin may have been able to firmly decide on what to do with Yahwi.

When ppl r going thru heartbreak, they need someone to lean on and Cain made himself look like that for him. But he was only out for his own selfish reasons too. Of course Jooin was indecisive bc he felt bad for taking advantage of Cain EVEN THO CAIN TOLD HIM TOO!! Not to mention Cain kept ignoring his boundaries pushing him to go further.

Jooin had no where to think too! So of course he’d keep running away from these guys! Yeesh let the man get up!

I mean at least we know that Yahwi is a shitty selfish person but so was Cain. And Cain was unhelpful and worsened the situation. (╬ ̄皿 ̄)

caropearo61 created a topic of Between us (Noru)

Is anyone else confused? We ended at ch. 99 finale, but now we’re suddenly at side. 6? And it seems like this episode isn’t the beginning of something? Idk maybe im crazy

caropearo61 created a topic of Frenzy Train

It is so bad I want to give it a zero, but that’s not possible. So I give this a one.
*stares in Tyra banks*

I’m glad none of my friends read bl or manwhas in general, bc it do know how I’d explain myself outta this one.

caropearo61 like topic of summer season

All these little tiny time skips are confusing me. Like y was Dohyeon standing outside his apartment sopping wet? Like y? Did he run there? How come he couldn’t stop and get an umbrella? I mean he’s wearing different clothes from when they were at the villa? And then here he says “I’m put my dick between ur toes” then gives him an ultimatum. Only to wake up in class, where eunho may or may not b bleeding across the campus???

I’m being honest. I’m so confused please if anyone knows help me plzzz

caropearo61 created a topic of summer season

All these little tiny time skips are confusing me. Like y was Dohyeon standing outside his apartment sopping wet? Like y? Did he run there? How come he couldn’t stop and get an umbrella? I mean he’s wearing different clothes from when they were at the villa? And then here he says “I’m put my dick between ur toes” then gives him an ultimatum. Only to wake up in class, where eunho may or may not b bleeding across the campus???

I’m being honest. I’m so confused please if anyone knows help me plzzz