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I’m traumatized after each chapter. Can somebody help Sonic ╥﹏╥

Ppl arguing over this boring plot like their life depends on it lol


I did not expect a season 2 for some reason lol

Konanflower created a topic of Jinx

Y’all need to think more than just surface level. That offer could’ve been to just butter Dan up only to leave him high and dry when the match is over. And sending his grandma to America for an experimental drug that might work? Yea I wouldn’t take the deal either lowkey. He was probably going to treat Dan like dookie anyway. This author doesn’t want him to know peace lmao

Konanflower created a topic of Bye Bye

Ik mangago commenters can’t accept ppl with different opinions but wow I can’t believe how many people love this manwha.

Bruh I’m too lazy to read back. Why is the prince all salty?