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OnoderaRitsuTakanoMasamune85's feed

OnoderaRitsuTakanoMasamune85 created a topic of Jinx

WOW that hit me hard that at first i thought it was a dream till he was with his granma and i was like oh no and tear's just fell's down my face as i have lost to of my grandpant's to cancer my grandpa and my grandma ( not by blood a neber a arcoss from me that i new sinse i was a baby ) it hit me more with her because i had to watch her go threw so much pain after they remover breast cancer from her they never gave her a follow up or a tretment after when you have had cancer remved she went to the Dr's they found nothing ( bull crap ) she sufferd with so much pain on the same side she had the caner was this went on for months to she ended upin hospital a few days went by i got a call to from her daught that she had passed away they found out a few day's later she had caner all on her right side of her body it had spread within a month so fast
Why did no one do anything about it ???
If hey did she be alive today
the Dr's are to blame !!!