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Why is Anti Alpha Another getting upload here that is manga all on it's own it's a spin off to this one (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

The translation in this is bad especially from chapter 24 onwards OMG !!!
And the pages just repeat annouying !!!
(╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

That's sad how there not brothers , i wanted to see him pregnet and then after the birth of there baby to short for a small page as a kid

to short !!!
(╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸
This would have made a great long manga i would like to have seen them get married have a child / kids etc and pass away then meet in next life or something like that

Her boyfriend was stolen through an online game! During this heartbreak, she logged in to the game a...

  • Author: mashiro
  • Genres: Romance

Romance anime is not my thing but the summory of this sounded interesting and this anime i love'd i would love a season 2

This is on my list wit many other Romance shoujo i will wait to it's competed then read it all together

Why Webcomic ???
i want the manga version it's way better manga's are !!!
┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

1. i LOL nearly all through this with all the crap that was going on and the stuff that was being said it was like a comedy show !!!
2. That's no ending finish it off what's with these auther's these day's just leaveing manga's like that ???

What a wired ending i would like to know if he had fallen in love with him though

Nope not good enough need a manga on the brother and step-brother now !!!
⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄ (▰˘◡˘▰) (=・ω・=)

Who ever put up 7 chapter's complete need's to get there out of the clouds it has 7 volumes it's no were near finished !!!

I HATE chinese MANGA !!!
They cute out everything
Example : Kissing and sometime's holding hand's it's so stupied i really don't know why i have this on my list maybe because it's fantasy and i like the summory that's all but it's a real diappointment !!!
( ̄へ ̄)

First talk about switched memory's of the brother's like
How ???
Why ???
Confused !!!
2nd we never got to see if he lose's his memory or not of him so that's stupied so
incomplete e nise to know that he dose not lose his memory of him and keep's it and that what ever it is on his body disappear's

I have not read this but i was looking at the Photos and i was so dame shocked when one of them had the brother and sister haveing an argument about the uke and she said that he was her son and he was the uncle to him that was so gross to know that he new all along that he was sleeping with his nephew
How could he do such a thing ???
(╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸
Dose the
nephew ( uke ) know ???
Because if so that be even more gross to know and that he to dose not care like his uncle ( seme ) !!!
I hope he isent trying to get him pregnet that be so gross as well keeping it in the family this is is such a turn off !!!
like i said at the begging i have not read this yet i was just looking at the photos read some it it is on my want to read list i'm just waiting for it to be completed like so many more

Not really manga related, but is mangago logging anyone else out of their account on its own? It's been doing that to me every freaking day now for about a week, and it's really irritating me since I get on this website all the time. I hate having to type in a silly number code every time I try to log back in.

The way all you folks have had vaginas all your life yet you don't know that your discharge has a pH? Even I know and I'm not a woman. Then again, anyone on this site must be like a 10 year old girl that fetishes gay men. If you guys weren't so concerned about drawings of asian men shoving their penis up each other and maybe looked in the mirror at......

29 08,2023
My reaction to that information