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Ngl it’s either it’s hard to translate Chinese or the author is giving missing pieces or both.

So basically in my understanding, Jason wants to be normal or what society thinks is normal. Society or specifically his mom compared him with his bro who has fame, wealth, and his own family, like a normal or perfect person in society which makes him pressured to find someone he could be with (a woman normally).

Then Jason was confessed by a guy, a junior of his, he was naive back then and he let it slide even though junior was serious but dude probably didn’t know the concept of liking the same sex. He feels guilty after that and thought junior had taken revenge by dating a girl and became happy, becoming normal. He wants to have a relationship too but it’s hard for him because he doesn’t know what or how he feels about another person. He wants a relationship but doesn’t know how to connect or rather he wants a connection but doesn’t want physical intimacy (yet?). He’s not sure about liking the same sex because it’s not normal but when he asked this to his sister in law (I forgor) she basically said that not everyone has the same opinion or what you think is normal. Dude was still confused but with Frank’s help, support, and patience, he slowly tries to understand his own understanding and feelings and there he finally knows what he wants so he unfollow the junior’s account that he chains himself of the past and finally answered Frank’s feelings.

First off, fuck that mom but ig that’s like almost every Asian parents. Second, how did Frank know or thought that Jason thinks he was just playing with him since he dated a woman back then, it feels like I’ve missed something or this feels like the author’s thoughts back then(read the author’s notes and I was right). Ain’t no way he doesn’t know bisexuality or maybe it’s such a minority that he doesn’t know it or just lgbtq+ was a thing. Third, I feel like he has an internal homophobia or at least have an interest with the same gender but he’s afraid that it’s not normal so he ignores his feelings and just his emotions since he ignores or is not very close to his parents. Fourth, the way they handle the conflict about Frank’s bullying was kinda good. Good for my boy to say no and have a healthy work environment. All in all the story was good but I would’ve like it to be longer or explored more about themselves.I feel like there’s some parts of the story I didn’t know like some people who could relate could see it without explaining or showing it idk how to explain it