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To watch the next train wreck its literally like watching a collision on the highways and and every 5 minutes or so another car adds itself to the pile up
Its a very good hate read in small doses otherwise i will die from frustration of those two


I read the spoilers in the comments and now im confused and scared

MaviSupernova created a topic of Look Back

Its gonna get a movie and i was curious and got damn i wanna cry wtf

I thought she was gonna simp but no she is gonna make everyone else simp

Inferna is gonna be gone for 5yrs trying to get a real body and not tell the prince?
Thats gonna cause some shenanigans

That the school boss said that about his big ol' googlie eyes cause now its in universe canon that he has big teary puppy eyes
That actually had me lose it

MaviSupernova created a topic of Grab the Stars

I was super mad about him basically ghosting leo for like a year but them being cute in the extras is therefore extra healing uwu


I read spoilers and now I'm mad but the art is beautiful so imma stay


Im so sad i thought this was a new release of "The Last Surviving Alchemist Who Wishes for a Quiet Town Life" since the summary is basically the same but nope i
feel like the og novel copied the "The Last Surviving Alchemist Who Wishes for a Quiet Town Life" novel

She is so op i fear for the next unlucky enemy of hers thats gonna get blown off into another dimension by her "beginner" spells

Looks breathtaking
Looking forward gor whats to come

MaviSupernova created a topic of Inukei no Kareshi

Thats where the orange tie from the cover comes from omg im tearing up

That only good things are going to happen now to the siblings they totally deserve it


What kind of panel was that??? Holy moly she looked like she came from a horror manga ! The pigtails girl really does give me the creeps

Looks like my instincts were right and the slight hinted reveal to the audience feels nice too its so well executed wonderful
( In case anyone was wondering why i said i was right:
[ my comment from November 24
Kanna got reincarnated into a cheap third rate otome game or poorly received rofan novel with no sequel
Like the causality of the world made it so everything would happen according with what she wanted eg her heroine etc but only for the duration of the story which wasnt that long as soon as the "story" / game events ended so did the power influencing others and it only affected the people most involved in the story which is why his majesty was unaffected and sylph as well she must not have had much screen time or events in the game / story
(Ive played some games were the love interests finance Eg love rival didn't even had artwork they were that unimportant so i can imagine it) ]

And train wreck but its my dearly beloved most favourite wack train wreck with a rushed ending and they got my favourite otp headcanon going for them (10+ children lmao)

MaviSupernova created a topic of Kurikaeshi Ai no Oto

Also congrats to osamu not only did his favourite conductor move in down the street no no no he also got to snuggle with him and kiss him its the epitome of wattpad y/n story
Manifesting this for others with a crush on someone famous