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ana133 June 11, 2021 11:47 am

To be honest, each time she talks about politics I end up being more and more confused. Why is there a king faction, but a Viceroy who is the father of the 4th prince? Does she and the first 2 princesess share the same mother, the one of the Queen faction? Is it clear to anyone wtf is going on?

    LeenAnanz June 11, 2021 12:09 pm

    wait you are actually analyzing it?
    I never really think too much about these parts

    Happyfish314 June 11, 2021 12:30 pm

    I think this might be lost in translation. We don't really have enough ibfo to go on, but based on this set up, it seems to be the case that Lespelle married into the royal family, and it was the previous Queen who was the direct royal line for Roymonde.

    When foreign royalty or nobility marry into the ruling family of a country, they are not guaranteed political power. What it looks like right now is that Lespelle married the previous Queen and was Prince Consort, but with the Queen passing away, he is now the acting ruler until an actual Crown heir is named and agreed upon by the ministers.

    A Regent cannot postpone naming an heir to the throne indefinitely in times of peace, because that will cause rumours of usurption, and damage the reputation of the Royal family as a whole, and possibly sour political relations with the Regent's country of Origin. So this shenanigan could just be Lespelle effing things up because he knows he can't legally keep his ruling power. Naming an heir can be postponed indefinitely if there's a war, and can also be completely forgotten if all possible heirs are dead except for the Regent.

    A viceroy is someone who is appointed to temporarily rule and administer a territory or colony on behalf of the actual rulers, but seeing as how Roymonde is the actual country itself and not a colony, I think it's been mistranslated. I'm Just Guessing at this point, but hope this helps?

    ana133 June 11, 2021 12:38 pm

    But at some point she spoke about concubines and the other roya heirs being from different mothers. It is terribly confusing and she spends so many pages talking about politics smh.

    Happyfish314 June 11, 2021 2:17 pm
    But at some point she spoke about concubines and the other roya heirs being from different mothers. It is terribly confusing and she spends so many pages talking about politics smh. ana133

    'True that. Politics are really convoluted in this work, but depending on the way the country is set up, a Prince Consort may still be allowed to have concubines.

    It's a way to solidify the Royal family's power and standing within the country. Though I think in this case, it's just used to justify drama for the sake of moving the plot along. :/

ana133 March 8, 2021 5:50 pm

I just saw the raws' list and is chapter 169 the end? Thanks!

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