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hoodie created a topic of hotaru no yomeiri

Asagiri's got her own form of *freedom*. She became powerful enough to make decisions of her own volition and yet some mitsueda guy wants to send her off just because she's a disturbance to the island? (bc she's not accepting any customers or whtvr)

Wow! Name me another nonsense plot device!! Now people hating on her bc she's acting like a *bitch*. UH?? Yes she is and rightfully so??? Imagine just enjoying ur freedom after being a prosti for so long then some teenagers ganging up on you so u can be bought off to some sleazy rich mf. Again, shackled to a man.

But then everyone have their reasons right?? I'm personally annoyed with Satoko's mindset. But even that is valid bc of the context of her life story.