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YukiHime May 5, 2020 5:09 pm

Deku turned back into a child because his quirk reset. Yes, his body is in the form of a child as well as his memories as a 13 year old boy.

A lot of people are livid that this manga glorifies pedophilia. By definition, pedophilia is when an individual is sexually attracted to children. Deku was certainly a child, innocent mentally and physically 2 out of 3 chapters but Todoroki love Deku before his quirk reset not because he's a child. So to put it together, Todoroki wasn't sexually attracted to Deku due to him being a child.

At the end of the manga before the sex, Deku's memories came back. So Deku had the mental age beyond 18 (idk how old he really is supposed to be in this story) but in a physical body of a 13 year old boy.

Shotacon was the right or wrong tag to use for this manga because it was never about a love story between an actual 13 year old boy and an older guy. The only part that made this manga shotacon is the fact that Deku was a child, that's it.

Look at it from a different perspective, if Deku had only lost his memories and not revert back to a 13 year old body, I doubt people would get heat up over this.

So basically in this manga's comment war, most are just mad that Deku was PHYSICALLY a child.

Okay I'm done. Thank you for listening to my Ted Talk and let the comment war commence!

YukiHime April 18, 2020 9:41 pm

I don't know guys. Chanwoo is too prideful to let himself be hurt like that. When MD had asked about it the first time, I'm pretty sure Chanwoo would have said some guy was picking a fight with him and he protected himself or something. I have a feeling it's not what it seems. Maybe it's a sport related injury like boxing?

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