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Erram's experience ( All 0 )

Erram's answer ( All 1 )

22 01,2019
Actually Ive been diagnosed having mental illness since 2 years ago. And I hate the fact that I am still alive everyday. Escape? Yes sometimes its feel good when u absorbed to something and forget that ur body is still in the real world. But sometimes it doesnt work too so I am kind of escaping from those feeling in extreme way but dont ask for it.......   reply
22 01,2019

Erram's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

want to do discord server

Just do it

3 hours
want to do discord server


3 hours
did made true friends

There's someone I care about.
We passed through thorns and horrors to keep our friendship and we survived.
They are now in my heart forever

3 hours