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Trash chan want to do ( All 1 )

a line group chat

Trash chan's experience ( All 0 )

Trash chan's answer ( All 3 )

Japan Sinks 2020 It's just so weird. The first two episodes were good, they were going in the direction I expected. But then shit turned extremely weird????? I could watch it if I'm high though, maybe with some friends. I wouldn't say I hate it.... It has it's moments! But it's a bit overpraised in my opinion.   reply
10 03,2021
about question
Arcaea! I'm obsessed lol   reply
31 01,2021
about question
Maybe some random sentence that no one would ever say like "wet socks taste good with cucumber"   reply
31 01,2021

Trash chan's question ( All 0 )