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Kuku's feed

Kuku created a topic of My Suha

People need to understand that no one is justifying Dohyeok's actions. He IS indeed a son of a bitch, but what you can tell from his background is that he doesn't know any better sadly, that's the way his grandma raised him, he's a fucking pampered arrogant human being, all fancy stuff while growing up but love. So of course someone who didn't receive love wouldn't know how to give it back, even worse someone like him who was raised without values to get things whatever means it takes. Their story is toxic, but I hope he can somewhat change, at least enough to stop blackmailing or abusing of his power to hurt innocent people. So I hope his love for SW makes him a more decent human being, which I think it can be possible. This kind of story is not my cup of tea, but somewhat the dynamic between these two caught me in and I do want a happy for both of them.