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Kuku created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

I feel so fucking sad for cirrus. He's been mistreated his whole life, his dad neglected him, his teacher abused him, and he had to grow up all alone on his own living a shitty life at home with his dad and stepmother, when he finally found comfort on someone aka Skylar, Skylar hurt him in the worst possible way and there's no fucking justification for the words he said to cirrus "I know chanil won't date me and that's why I'm dating you" you can't fucking tell that to someone you're in a relationship with, and even worst to someone like cirrus, that must had destroyed him, and cirrus didn't deserve that, and on top of that he hit him like hell. Damn, I wish they would separate and heal on their own and hope skylar will regret and feel like shit for what he said and even so hope they don't get back together and regret that for the fucking rest of his life