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Shiro Nes's experience ( All 0 )

Shiro Nes's answer ( All 3 )

i'm muslim and proud and i have no problem for whom who they say they're muslims by birth and obliged and so on .. just think again one had that absolute faith from the beginning, like we're brainwashed or smth , that's why god gave us a brain ..   reply
26 11,2020
i have a lot i' can't choose :p but at least i choose the three semes from the three mxtx's danmei(s) from left to right ( Hua cheng , Lan Zhan, Luo Binghe) ヾ(☆▽☆)   6 reply
20 07,2020
Sakura and Sasuke from Naruto and i ship theeeem so hard , sakura is one of my fav characters , i love everything about her, her persnality ( in shippuden ) , her strength, her smartness, her cuteness , idk why people see her useless, she did a lot .. Sasuke is just amazing one of my husbandos hehe , he was rly cold-hearted and annoying at the begi......   1 reply
19 07,2020

Shiro Nes's question ( All 1 )

for me i used to like eating soap when i was 4 , after that experience i don't rly have anything out of ordinary ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
05 12,2020

People are doing

want to do discord server

Just do it

3 hours
want to do discord server


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did made true friends

There's someone I care about.
We passed through thorns and horrors to keep our friendship and we survived.
They are now in my heart forever

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