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bumbum created a topic of Believe My Sign
bumbum created a topic of Dear Sa-chan

Even though Sachan was a doormat at first, I’m so happy that at least she got the happy ending that she deserved. I would have loved to see more of her storyline than everything else. However, everyone else deserved nothing. They didn’t deserve shit. Shino and her husband deserve each other since they’re both psychopathic. One cheats, and the other one is possessive and obsessive. Their daughter- like mother and daughter. And WHAT THE FUCK HES DATING THE DAUGHTER

bumbum created a topic of Into the Rose Garden

Wait so does klopp remember his past life too or do they just come in as nightmares? Or both

bumbum created a topic of Romance is Dead

Now is it just my wifi or is it not loading for anyone else?

bumbum created a topic of Dark Fall

Every day we all stray further from god ....

bumbum created a topic of Untouchable Lady
bumbum created a topic of Go Away Romeo

NO NO NO NO, I CANNOT ACCEPT THIS. I WILL NOT ACCEPT THIS. I shouldn’t have read the update

I miss Dietrich. I really wished he had stayed longer.

bumbum created a topic of The Lady Wants to Rest

Rubia needs a fucking break from everyone. Especially from her father, who never gave her love or affection, her stepmother who also neglected her, and her brother (or stepbrother) for doing the same thing as the father and the stupid stepsister who wants love and affection from the father knowing damn well that her sister never had any love or affection.

Don’t tell me she’s been sleeping this whole time

bumbum created a topic of The couple breaker

Short hair girl and glasses guy are both pissing me off, I feel sad for his GF, but I'm wondering what short hair girl bf means. Now I'm second guessing like what if he knows what his girlfriend is doing but doesn't wanna say anything bc of the game