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Sebàstian'sLeftGlove created a topic of Jinx

Since the old guy said "you'll regret it", then the pictures, I don't see it going well for Dan from Jaekyung ( T--T)

Re-reading because I don't remember anything
( T---T)

A glitch? A mean glitch (*≧з≦)


Aaah, screenshots were worth the wait
(人´ з`*)♪
I am a little worried though!

Sebàstian'sLeftGlove created a topic of Bad Friend

Not surprised all the kinky stuff was saved for the side stories since the main story was mostly action (*ゝω・*)

The buttons on his vest are about to *pop pop pop* *pop pop*

I love watching movies like this. I've never read this genre before. I'm interested in how this'll play out if the mc does die

I giggle whenever their tongues show. They look like cherry jolly ranchers (*・ω・)

Sebàstian'sLeftGlove created a topic of My Master

I love this story so much T_T

What a nice little cliffhanger. I was ready to get screenshots ( 〃▽〃)

Cliffhung by our necks guys! Dra-ma-ma-ma-ma

Sebàstian'sLeftGlove created a topic of Jinx

Hmm its either they'll try to recruit Dan or kidnap him. I'm a sucker for a kidnapping troupe....soooo I choose the ladder (* >_<) I still don't ship them but JJK better save Dan no matter what!

Sebàstian'sLeftGlove created a topic of Jinx

I'd LOVE to see Dan build up the courage, yell the f out of him, walk out, b loses his next match because of his shoulder, and comes crawling back! #StanDanOnly

Sebàstian'sLeftGlove created a topic of Jinx

Why am I so upset?!
I kinda don't want them to end up together

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My first was Okane ga nai. I got certification after spilling my guts to my husband about my yaoi/bl interest. I've been approved since 2015

4335 people did   /   94 want to do

My first was Okane ga nai. I got certification after spilling my guts to my husband about my yaoi interest. I've been approved since 2015

4335 people did   /   94 want to do

My first was Okane ga nai. I got certification from my husband after spilling my guts my yaoi interest. I've been approved since 2015

4335 people did   /   94 want to do

My first was Okane ga nai. I got certification from my husband after spilling my guts to my husband my yaoi interest. I'm approved 10+yrs