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Maevix January 15, 2021 6:23 am

What chapter is this in the novel?

Maevix September 17, 2020 3:47 pm

I have come back from the land of raw spoilers. /! PROCEED WITH CAUTION /!


SO, from what I could understand from the raws (this is one of those that heavily depend on the writing more so than the images, so, not a lot) our OP fl is gonna woop Adolfs ass (but, we been knew, that's not what youre here for), impressing crush boy and making him start to... well, crush on her lol. We don't see crush boy again until 4 chapters later and he's already on his way towards her, couldn't gleam much of what he was saying except that he makes friend with some drunk dude who I'm guessing might be important to the story (or another extra). ANYWAYS, I have high hopes that he'll just end up seeing she's fine, give her the sword he bought her and just stay as a friend but the story needs antagonists and the vassals aren't posing much of threat rn (MORE ON THAT SOON)

ON TO MAID-CHAN (Preggo-chan? Preggo maid-chan? Freckles-san?) So, turns out she's not pregnant with the Duke's child (again, we been knew). She's just a victim of one of the asshole vassals. A classic case of chasing her and spoiling her until she gives in and then throwing her away, except that she ended up preggo from that. She's bullied by the other maids, most likely because of this (they probs see her as a slap, etc.), but she gives what she gets. The next time we see her, she quite literally slaps a maid who's bad mouthing her, it strikes me as the usual "I'm better than all of you, how dare you" villainess moment. In the end, said vassal who got her pregnant tries to use her to poison the fl. Fl finds out, gets the full story out of maid-chan, and ends up taking her side. This is most likely due to the fact that she can relate to maid-chan because of what the first prince did to her as Martina (yaaas girl, femalexfemale empowerment. This. Is. How. It. Should. Be.). In the end she exposes the vassal (who already was locked up for other reasons and who might be the same vassal we've already met but he looks older so who knows, maybe prison aged him 10 years in a few days lol) and earns maid-chan as a trusted advisor (I hope).

This all happens in the next 6 chapters lol. Raws have only gotten to Chap. 21 (=・ω・=)

    Scarlett September 17, 2020 4:59 pm

    I LOVE YOUUU!! Thank you, you blessed soul!!!!

    DJnickie September 17, 2020 8:12 pm

    Thank god, I would really hate it if they made a woman who didn't want to get pregnant a villain. Like I always just wish they can get along

    Scarlett September 17, 2020 8:30 pm
    Thank god, I would really hate it if they made a woman who didn't want to get pregnant a villain. Like I always just wish they can get along DJnickie

    Exactly OMG

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