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Maliacam July 9, 2021 2:57 pm

REALLY??? IS NO ONE GONNA TALK ABOUT THE WAY INSEO WAS LIKE: "i know what's going on but I'm not getting involved" BITCH YOUR FRIEND IS GETTING RAPED AND HE ASKED YOU FOR HELP, IT'S NOT JUST SOME DRAMA. but if seok is the one in danger of getting sexually assaulted, you're angry and wanna help, because no one can touch what is yours right? I'M SO PISSED RIGHT NOW

I think I need to make it more clear: The first consent given it's NOT valid for all sex the happen between the two. The moment the word "NO" is said, it doesn't matter if he wanted in the beginning, it doesn't matter if they did multiple times and he wanted. No is no and if he wanted in the beginning, but now is saying he does not want it anymore, it's still rape to keep going.

    Fujoshicurls July 9, 2021 2:18 pm

    What makes you say he’s getting raped? Im just curious

    panaschen July 9, 2021 2:18 pm

    Excuse me sorry but His not getting raped child his just overwhelmed cuz that other guy doesn't stop doing IT

    uwu? July 9, 2021 2:20 pm

    we don't know what's going on with the other 2 friends yet... let's not jump to that conclusion

    Maliacam July 9, 2021 2:34 pm

    Honey in the beginning he was with the guy wearing glasses, and he said he couldn't do what inseo and seok are doing. And the guy with glasses said he could, and the proceeded to get very close to green haired guy. The other day, he went to seok's house to ask for help, saying that something bad happened and shit, he didn't seemed confused guys, he seemed upset. AND NOW he has kissmarks all over his body, so i think I can assume pretty well what happend. I mean sex was involved and he clearly doesn't seem very happy, he looked DESPERATE when he was talking to inseo, so obviously he didn't want what happened. When it comes to rape it doesn't matter if "he just didn't figure out yet that he likes him, or that it's okay to do it" CONSENT IS NEEDED, you can't force yourself on someone that is confused for God's sake!

    Fujoshicurls July 9, 2021 2:37 pm
    Honey in the beginning he was with the guy wearing glasses, and he said he couldn't do what inseo and seok are doing. And the guy with glasses said he could, and the proceeded to get very close to green haired ... Maliacam

    I agree with you 100%. But lets see their side first too yknow, lets see what really happened instead of assuming things. Hopefully nothing bad happened to him

    Maliacam July 9, 2021 2:50 pm
    I agree with you 100%. But lets see their side first too yknow, lets see what really happened instead of assuming things. Hopefully nothing bad happened to him Fujoshicurls

    Let's hope, 'cause I'm already heart broken with "your wish is my command" from the same author

    ASSphyxia July 9, 2021 2:53 pm

    You're cute and all Mr. Boss but that ass got an owner already please don't force it ┗( T﹏T )┛

    Maliacam July 9, 2021 2:56 pm
    Excuse me sorry but His not getting raped child his just overwhelmed cuz that other guy doesn't stop doing IT panaschen

    So i just explained to a person that said the same thing you did, so I'm going to sai it again and try to edit my comment so you all can understand, because I can't waste my time trying to educate everyone.

    The first consent given it's NOT valid for all sex the happen between the two. The moment the word "NO" is said, it doesn't matter if he wanted in the beginning, it doesn't matter if they did multiple times and he wanted. No is no and if he wanted in the beginning, but now is saying he does not want it anymore, it's still rape to keep going

    Avanaïs July 9, 2021 2:59 pm
    Honey in the beginning he was with the guy wearing glasses, and he said he couldn't do what inseo and seok are doing. And the guy with glasses said he could, and the proceeded to get very close to green haired ... Maliacam

    you're reaching further than elastigirl with all this. we haven't even seen their story yet so stop jumping to conclusions. what i saw was just him looking for a way to avoid the situation for a night because his feelings are obviously complicated. and fyi when he said he couldn't do it casually with a friend, that means is that he doesn't think he can do a casual relationship without feelings involved. it doesn't mean it's nonconsensual. and idk if you know this but in fiction, especially comics, EVERYTHING IS EXAGGERATED. you're not supposed to take every little thing so seriously. it's honestly so offensive when people take obviously exaggerated scenes and label it as something harmful.

    Maliacam July 9, 2021 3:10 pm
    you're reaching further than elastigirl with all this. we haven't even seen their story yet so stop jumping to conclusions. what i saw was just him looking for a way to avoid the situation for a night because h... Avanaïs

    I'm sorry, but you completely skipped the part where we saw him full of kissmarks, and you know what that means in webtoons. Also, of course there is a problem, because if what I'm assuming is true, it's normalizing rape, and there are REAL PEOPLE being influenced by the webtoon. Of course there are people who know how to differentiate real from fake, and what is right to do, but there are people who don't! And not to mention that many rapers like seeing rape content on the internet, and if you think that only straight old man who don't consume this kind of content are rapers, well you're very wrong. And ALSO makes you think about what kind of person is the author

    Avanaïs July 9, 2021 3:59 pm
    I'm sorry, but you completely skipped the part where we saw him full of kissmarks, and you know what that means in webtoons. Also, of course there is a problem, because if what I'm assuming is true, it's normal... Maliacam

    you completely skipped everything I said and kept jumping to conclusions. having complicated feelings about the relationship doesn't mean he can't consent to sex. stop assuming your misinterpretation is canon. It's not. and don't make negative assumptions about the author just because you lack reading comprehension. that's so disrespectful.

    Maliacam July 9, 2021 4:27 pm
    you completely skipped everything I said and kept jumping to conclusions. having complicated feelings about the relationship doesn't mean he can't consent to sex. stop assuming your misinterpretation is canon. ... Avanaïs

    Well, maybe I can't make assumptions about the author about this webtoon yet but i can definitely make assumptions about your wish is my command, from the same author, i recommend you to take a look, and then you'll understand why I'm being so defensive about this topic, and why I am pretty sure it's going to happen again and everyone one is going to clap hands like you are. Because everyone I talked other then you is open to understand that I might be right, but you are so defensive making cute little jokes, like you are so SURE it's not what I'm saying even tho nothing happened yet and everything points to what I'm saying. I mean it's a 18+ webtoon, you are saying he gave consent, but you don't know that, just like you are saying that I don't know that he didn't, but everything we saw points to him being upset, and after what i saw in your wish is my command I think I have the right to be concerned, after all it's the same author who made a webtoon where the boy is raped several times almost every episode

    Maliacam July 9, 2021 4:38 pm
    you're reaching further than elastigirl with all this. we haven't even seen their story yet so stop jumping to conclusions. what i saw was just him looking for a way to avoid the situation for a night because h... Avanaïs

    And also I read your comment again and realized you used what I said about the beginning as an argument for being consensual or not. I don't think you understand what I meant when I said that, i meant that it shows that something was about to happen, because of the topic of the conversation and the fact that like, the only roommate he has is green haired guy so who else would he be talking about? That's all I said about this. My statement comes from the reaction he had all the times we had a clue that something happened between them, and the way he looked desperate on this last one. So i GENUINELY want you to be right, i really want to be wrong on this one, because I don't care about pride when it comes to this, I'll apologize with joy if I'm wrong

    panaschen July 9, 2021 8:43 pm

    They still friends still happy yes we see the marks but his not scared he just tired no rape oky but anyway let's see wat they'll do

    Maliacam July 11, 2023 3:16 am

    I WAS RIGHT BYEEEEEE... he assaulted him even before they had anything

Maliacam June 24, 2021 1:21 am

Okay, i guess(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

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