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Ivory_Rain February 17, 2021 6:45 am

I know why we all be single af and our standards are so high that only 2D men can truly hit home.

This man just OPENLY admitted to treason and that he was 100% fine being used by her for power if that was all she wanted and we are all like "awwww"

Like you can't tell me one man who would admit to assassinating the president, and would actually do it, for a women.

Ivory_Rain February 8, 2021 4:09 am

I love this so much I need moreee.

Any suggestions for stories like this one??

Ivory_Rain's questions ( All 1 )

Ivory_Rain January 25, 2021 1:28 am

I've noticed for a while now in many stories where the MC is reborn that readers get furious or even drop the entire thing when Mc act their age, and I mean I can understand why it's a bit annoying when the MC seems a bit on the childish when their technical age is in the double digits, but the body they are in is like 6 yrs old. They are literally nothing but an old soul, their mind is still that of a child, they are still hormonal and emotionally imbalanced, so even if their SOUL has gone through this before, the body their soul is stuck in has not, so expecting 7 yr old Timmy to act like a 27 yr old man constantly is very far fetched, and I personally enjoy when MC don't "act their age" it reminds the readers that yeah they may technically be 200 yrs old, but hey, their body isn't.

    YesButLikeNo January 25, 2021 1:34 am

    I actually agree with you. It also goes the same for if the MC cannot change their personality and skills to being crazy OP straight away. I argue that the development is actually more realistic if the MC, okay sure, starts off with his/her goal and works harder to achieve it but there has to be some ties to their former personality constantly reminded that perhaps they are still the same. Mental obstacles are as good as physical ones.

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