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whalien created a topic of As If Love Doesn’t Exist

She waits til literally all his trust in her is gone to admit what happened!?!? Bro at this point just keep it to yourself

whalien asked a question

Looking for webtoon/manhwas (not mangas) where the FL is initially oblivious to the ML having feelings for her. Basically, the guy fell first type of stories. Any recs?

You can read on comicle up to chapter 16 I think for free. After that you gotta pay

whalien created a topic of The End Of The World

I forgot about what the baby looked like from when I read the raws and I’m still thrown off by how grown his face is that is the face of an adult

whalien created a topic of As If Love Doesn’t Exist

Idk what yall are on about not understanding why he ran away I feel like I’m in crazy town. Why should he have to suck it up and marry someone that he doesn’t want to marry and had made it known he doesn’t want to marry? That doesn’t make him immature.

As for the FL, while I feel for her, she can’t really blame him for his reaction. She kept him in the dark the whole time. I get why she thought she had to but really, everything would’ve gone better for her if she confided in him

whalien created a topic of This Boy in Class

The jealousy arc time for another round of misunderstandings

whalien created a topic of This Boy in Class
whalien created a topic of Jinx

NOT THE CLIFF HANGER i fear the worst guys grandma may be have passed

Oh my god I hate them all. Idc if they’re polyamorous. But there were literally no signs of her having loved Ina and all of a sudden she loves him?? I hate ina fr he’s literally the only one winning here

Every time I come back to this, im like man what they are making things so much harder on themselves

whalien created a topic of The End Of The World

Lmaoo I forgot this was called end of the world so that last panel made me go like wtf, not a sudden ending

whalien created a topic of Be My Guest

I don’t like that rin never got seriously called out on her bs besides by yeonwoo and that she gets a nice exit after intentionally wreaking havoc other than that, this was very cute

Ik I’ve read this before but was gonna reread it to jog my memory since it’s short but I skimmed and this looks like pure garbage

whalien created a topic of The Seductive Wife

I feel like I’ve seen this artist before? I know which manhwa I’m thinking of but can’t remember the name and am not sure of the artist either. It’s the one where the FL and ML have a fling and go their separate ways but bump into each other later cuz they work for the same company I think?? And the younger brother of the ML has a crush on FL

whalien created a topic of Our D-days

The uploads need to be fixed. I think chapters 50-51 are repeats of chapter 1.

whalien created a topic of The End Of The World

Bruh I’m reading the comments and just, what’s wrong with yall why are we acting like ML was perfect just cuz he didn’t physically hit her? Yall are just reminding me that the bar is literally in hell.

Both ML and FL are flawed and play a part in how things ended up. ML isn’t perfect and neither is FL.