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owo November 4, 2019 2:24 am

i kind of want some advice from strangers since they'll be non biased, and maybe im just overthinking but uh-

so I have this friend who i've known for a while, and we always hung out in a common friend group. After graduating, we kind of faded out even though I would message them every so often except they would just leave me on seen or like my message. (at first I thought that maybe I was just shitty as starting a conversation but at this point they have never replied to me) and they also unfollowed me on their main acc, and idk if its a mistake bc i have also made that mistake where i unfollow ppl by accident... im not sure whether to confront them or not because if they truly are trying to fade out with me then I wouldn't want to make them socially inclined to talk to me again, but the other part of me wonders if this is all a mistake in my head.

    Chinchillah November 4, 2019 2:43 am

    just text them 'hi' and if youre left on seen or they just dont reply leave them. tbh the person doesnt sound like a good person just from the fact that they left you on seen cuz thats just shitty. sometimes you have to let go of shitty friends and thats life

    owo November 4, 2019 2:51 am
    just text them 'hi' and if youre left on seen or they just dont reply leave them. tbh the person doesnt sound like a good person just from the fact that they left you on seen cuz thats just shitty. sometimes yo... Chinchillah

    thankyou for the suggestion :)

    Mo3 November 4, 2019 2:51 am

    I believe you should be patient, the same thing happened to me and i felt extremely lonely because they were my only friend, however i reached out to them with small things, like sending them something funny or something that reminds me of them, it was obvious that even though we knew some pretty personal things about the other, we werent as close as before and you just have to accept it. They had been leaving me on read for a year or so until they gradually spoke to me more and more. Now we're closed but still not as before. Even though it feels as though you have lost them, just be patient, if theyre meant to be in your life then theyll stay. You shouldnt really confront them because they havent really done anything wrong,,, if you speak to them again, then bring it up jokingly almost, and if they ignore it then so should you and then youll know how they feel about you. Dont make any rash decisions and just stay patient. Good luck!!!

    owo November 4, 2019 2:51 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! Maya

    I always thought it was just me who experienced these things, thanks for telling me ^^

    owo November 4, 2019 2:52 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! 2Fabz

    thankyou for the advice :>

    cloclo❤⭐☀ November 4, 2019 2:52 am

    I would just let it happen, if that person doesn't want to be friends anymore, so be it. You tried and they didn't respond. Either you outright go to them or you can just go with it and do the same.

    owo November 5, 2019 2:22 am
    I believe you should be patient, the same thing happened to me and i felt extremely lonely because they were my only friend, however i reached out to them with small things, like sending them something funny or... Mo3

    thank you ! ^w^ this was very uplifting, and i'll keep it in mind

    owo November 5, 2019 2:22 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! shinks de coup

    thats a good phrase, thankyou :D

    owo November 5, 2019 2:23 am
    I would just let it happen, if that person doesn't want to be friends anymore, so be it. You tried and they didn't respond. Either you outright go to them or you can just go with it and do the same. cloclo❤⭐☀

    thankyou for the advice

owo September 11, 2019 11:56 pm

Idk why, but I just loved a good longed haired yaoi, doesn't matter if it's uke or seme uwu

i've already read koisuru boukun though, and please stuff with good art :>

owo August 31, 2019 3:06 am

I'm starting highschool in a few days, and i'm suuuuper nervous :(
my closest friends all went off to different schools, and since the highschool i'm going too is connected to my elementary and middle school everyone's cliques have already formed. TT i'm horrible at socializing, and i'm super quiet... and none of my other friends are in the same classes as me...

    Yaoi4life August 31, 2019 3:10 am

    Give it your best! Think of how you made your former friends! I was just like you as well but somehow I just found the people I fit in with and suddenly and randomly we became the best of friends so just go out there be your happiest self and you’ll find your friend that you’ll cherish.
    You’re not the only one that is nervous for highschool

    superlocococo August 31, 2019 3:28 am

    Just be you. Sounds easier than it is sometimes. I for one was a different person at home than I was at school. I was loud, laughed all the time, cussed like a sailor and crazy at home, and at school, I was the reserved, quiet, and an unsociable person. It was the worst time of my life, and I felt awful for not being able to be comfortable enough to be me.

    Secret August 31, 2019 3:45 am

    If you see someone new or sitting alone approach them and be like, " Hey never seen ya here before,sup? Start from there get comfy introducing yourself. Well you also might get lucky and someone from elementary and middle school would let you join em for lunch. Keep thinking, "Talk to someone" imagine its your last day on earth.

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