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I love this series sooooooo much! I feel like 80% of shonen series I read end up losing steam about halfway through and becoming a jumbled mess not even remotely similar to the original story but that’s why I love this so much because it’s still keeping up steam 100 and something chapters in and even getting better!!! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

I love the series sooooo much but it’s just so frustrating how everyone treats him like an object an not a person with his own will and pride I know that’s the point, but it’s so infuriating to watch can we please go back to the nice good times and not just watching him be fought over as an object pls. I deal with this at home I don’t need it in my media too┗( T﹏T )┛

A chill homie asked a question

When I was using this app when I was 13 or so I used to think it was weird that adults would get mad at me for using this app but now that I’m an adult, I think it’s Hella weird that all this hentai shit are getting spiked up by 14–year-olds. I know I was reading yaoi when I was young but it kind of makes me nervous to know all of these young kids are reading about hard-core shit and just thinking it’s normal. Speaking as someone who went through actual abusive situations as a child it’s not good to have that in your brain from a young age. what are your guys thoughts on this? By the way, this is coming from a genuine place of concern and not to judge anyone like I said, I read Yaoi at 12.

I’m usually the type of person that says if you don’t like something just leave and don’t leave a comment but holy shit I had to come back to this just to explain how fucking badly I hate the main character like holy shit. It’s absolutely astonishing to me how people can look at a character like that and go ‘that’s my girl!’ Like no, get therapy and better friends… like I don’t think I would hate her if she’s supposed to be the villain, but the fact that she’s the protagonist makes me question the mental stability of the author, honestly, every character written here makes me question the authors, mental stability lmao

Pretty basic story and I hate love interests as much as the next person but a lot of these comments sound very incel-y

Ok but…. Isn’t it kind of embarrassing for her if she takes him back? Like imagine everyone thinks you’re obsessed with this one dude, he PUBLICLY regrets and humiliates you, then you go out with him…embarrassing

I genuinely don’t understand how this has such a high rating?! I have never wanted to physically beat up a protagonist so much before. Literally fuck EVERY SINGLE PERSON in this story but Glenn, how just eats shit the whole time

A chill homie followed a list
31 10,2023