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june059's feed

The amount of times tht ppl mention how he hasn't cleared floor 50 (basically repeatedly saying he needs to clear floor 50 n it took him so damn long to start Like at least don't mention it so many times if ur not gonna make the ml fking start any time soon) ALSO HOW MC DIDNT GO C THE GRANNY WHEN SHE FKING SAID TO GO TO HER ESPECIALLY WHEN IT SEEMED LIKE SHE KNOWS SOMETHING BOUT U N HELPED SAVE U n to fking say THANK YOU FOR SAVING ME INSTEAD OF HAVING A FKIN DINNER W UR COLLEGUES , U CAN DO THT AFTER. GOD MY FKING ANXIETY N IMPATIENCE QQ the so called "you'll know the answers when it's time" bs pisses me off so damn much.