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june059 created a topic of The Oddball Lady's Fiancé

Bruh if her family tries to take advantage or obstruct her freedom n business Imma

She said she'll confront wutever it is n then she regrets it the next second...sigh...she's so frustrating n stupid

june059 created a topic of Cheating Men Must Die

I couldn't bear to actually read the whole's so obvious wats gonna happen in this new arc whyyyyy

june059 created a topic of My Brothers Dote On Me

Can we pls get somewhere n not have new bitches n hoes coming into the story when nothing much has been resolved or answered from the main plot n characters

NOOOOO U CANT JUST STOP THERE ID RATHER WAIT AN EXTRA WEEK than to stop at a cliffhanger like this

june059 like photo (from Album)
june059 created a topic of Beasts of Desire

Was this a novel can someone give spoilers if there is so I can decide whether to continue or not

june059 created a topic of The Lord of Sun

okay lowkey pissed at the ml on side ch17 how dare he. fl too forgiving, i wouldve been mad pissed w my short temper

june059 followed a list

I didn't think this list would have so much followers. Thank you. For those who are asking if this list is active, yes its active. I'm just really picky.

What you'll basically see here:

Heroic Protagonist.
Trash Protagonist turned good.
Plain trash protagonist you can't help but like.
Villainous protagonist.
Cheat-like protagonist.

I'm biased with everything placed here since I read it all. I hope you like them too.

Credit to the original source.

25 10,2023
june059 followed a list

Hewwo and welcome! ₍₍ ( ๑˃◡ ˂๑)◞♡


        BG only!!!

= triggers (do expect violence, too bothersome to put)
        abuse: could be physical, mental, verbal, sexual etc.

= my rating
 (5=absolute fav, 4=very noice, 3=goodie, 2=meh, 1=nah)

= mayb +1 star


         Get ready for some psychologically draining and
         emotionally terrible mangas!

23 10,2023