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chizukimbap created a topic of Rix Vanus

if you and the babies cry, it makes me cry noooooo :(

chizukimbap created a topic of Remarried Empress

trashta really be digging her grave near the earth's core at this point

let Lind have some fun with a few rumors haha

chizukimbap created a topic of Finding Camellia

mwahahahaha, i'm so excited to see that marchioness and the father's punishment. they really be shitty parents. one is a coward and one is a bitch. >:) may they enjoy every moment of their punishment hehe
death's a quick end of their misery, we want a long and agonizing torture for both of 'em

just got goosbumps when her brother just grabbed her wrist like that. poor fl :( she's so nervous around her brother sometimes too. he did not check the cool bro vibes, ew.

chizukimbap created a topic of Lady Baby

i friggin laughed so hard at the recent new raw chapter. ch 191
just get ready to see a family stalking their daughter on her day and confront her bf and he did a puppy impression at the last page LMAO I CANT. HAHAHAHA
their reaction to seeing their daughter on a date is hilarious lol

chizukimbap created a topic of Finding Camellia

Don't worry guys, he'll get his own story if i remember reading about it at reddit. Not sure if its a whole series or just side stories. But I'm glad Ian does have a happy ending. And from what I read, Ian helped with moving Camellia's mother to his country to live there, so whenever Camellia wanted to see her mother, Ian has a chance to be there for Camellia (lol my guy really taking advantage of every opportunity he gets haha)

chizukimbap created a topic of A Thousand Cranes

my 5th time reading this gem. I still love this story since the couple is so cute and lovey-dovey to each other.

chizukimbap created a topic of Skip Beat

been that long huh, anyway tnx for the update!

chizukimbap created a topic of Our Sunny Days

he tried his best to list up boy names hahaha
it's the thought that counts ig lol

i wanted to see how he killed that bitch maid too, oh well.

chizukimbap created a topic of King The Land

and we start off with a misunderstanding.

chizukimbap created a topic of Finding Camellia

The spineless and coward father of lia. a big fuck you, you ass.

edit: since i'm a bit impatient with this story, i had to read the spoilers for this whole thief arc. here's the link if any of you guy are interested in reading.

chizukimbap created a topic of At the Northern Fort

have to wait another month or 2 for next chapter

chizukimbap created a topic of Hakuran no Kemono

that's not a punishment for someone who planned to do harm on shia. he should be behind bars wth.

I'm glad the sister married a kind and caring husband.