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sam like topic of Codename Anastasia

I read the codename anastasia novel a very long time before manhwa was announced. To be honest, I was so close to dropping it so many times, but I did end up finishing it (+side stories) because I was hooked by spoilers my friend gave me. Yes, there is rape, and there’s a lot of… generally unacceptable stuff. If you cannot handle this kind of behavior, please, i beg of you, to stop reading. There will be more of this type of stuff. If you’re going to continue reading despite that, then that’s great too! Zhenya may seem like the biggest black flag right now (and he is, don’t get me wrong), but I’m telling you that you will adapt (?not sure if this is the correct word) to it as you continue reading. It may leave a bad taste in your mouth as it did for me, but I think that codename anastasia (the novel, especially) is very well written. You might think that rape is a terrible plot device, and it most definitely is, but the story in my opinion is very well written. It is, in fact, one of my all time favorite BL novels. If you *can* handle reading this kind of plot, then by all means, please do not drop this unless you truly hate anything about it! This isn’t a plead for you to keep reading or spoilers for the novel, just informing you that codename anastasia is absolutely worth the read if you can get through the hurdles!