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CHaoSz's experience ( All 0 )

CHaoSz's answer ( All 2 )

Mainly cuz I'm ace and way too narcissistic to love anyone else but me ;)   1 reply
07 05,2019
DON'T flip yo sh*t when she breaks the block underneath you in that one game! Remember... it was torrential rain and also the answers are 94.5, 23 and 5. Also gg, you're doing well, just keep up with yo art and DON'T GET IN THAT ONE FIGHT BECAUSE YOU WILL REGRET IT FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE. ahem. btw, don't focus more on schoolwork but rather on g......   reply
11 03,2019

CHaoSz's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did survived suicide

Do not recommend. 1. Expensive to go to ER and all jazz, and recovery time is long (at least for me) .2 lots of trauma in mental hospitals

5 hours
did survived suicide

do not recommend, it took 12 months for my stomach to be able to handle alcohol or anything acidic

6 hours
did make a picrew

Its so cute

6 hours