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I’m so frustrated


A bully… Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)


Grow a backbone

DEKUDEKU created a topic of For the Musical Genius

A mc that doesn’t just sit around idly despite having future knowledge. I’m so sick and tired of characters who just pretend don’t know anything and act shocked when events repeat themselves.

She looks exactly like them minus the eyes but from what the duke said, the colour must have changed due to her being experimented on.


There’s always a problem with that guy …

He sees them as lowly but is there to beg for money?? Make it make sense. What’s the point of parading around that you’re a noble if you depend on your daughter’s husbands money because you’re BROKE ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

DEKUDEKU created a topic of Temptation of Wife

nino is too good to be a child of those two

Right when mc was gonna gag that loser ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ

DEKUDEKU created a topic of Princess Shuden

Is that it’s finally back. Bad news is that it looks like it’s going to be a headache

He was just waiting for Kian to turn his back so he’d crawl his way back in their house

Him seeing mc and her brothers interactions must have felt bittersweet

tsk tsk she never learns

DEKUDEKU created a topic of For My Abandoned Love


DEKUDEKU created a topic of Aren't You My Type

and it makes this situation all the more fun

DEKUDEKU created a topic of Ashtarte

girl go home already

the purple heads need to be gone (both).
and I actually pity Xian Xian her mothers a nut job..