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kikiify May 31, 2021 1:09 am

I know he’s really does want to debut deep down but honestly it kind of pisses me off that he’s sticking around while saying that he doesn’t want to.

Maybe I’ve watched too many kpop survival shows because even though this is fictional I feel so bad for the people who really really did want to debut and maybe saw this as their last chance. I also pity the fans who are so determined to fight for him and get him to debut but he’s just thinking let me get eliminated”. Even though he never wanted their support it feels like he’s wasting their feelings. If there is some sort of scandal about his uncle working on the show or him being a stand-in and the fans turned on him, he would sort of deserve it.

So I hope he can get over this and just admit he wants to debut already even though that’s probably not going to happen based on the title.

    Theystolemyname May 31, 2021 7:12 am

    You are talking like he had a choice. "Sticking around"? Nah, more like can't leave. Up till now he and the producer were trying to get him eliminated. It's not his fault that the fans like him so much. And despite not wanting to debut, he still performs to the best of his abilities, because he has enough selfrespect, and respect to the art of dancing, to not make a mockery of it by dancing atrociously.

    IMO it's nonsense to say that the fan's feelings are wasted. It was their choice to support him. If they feel, that their support was wasted, it's on them. No one forced them to support him. No one is responsible for other people's feelings and emotions, unless a person deliberately hurts others. In this case, MC didn't deliberately hurt anyone, and is in fact trying to avoid hurting anyone, so if they did get hurt, that's their own responsibility. You can choose to get upset by every little thing (even nonsense like your favourite trainee, a literal stranger you knew nothing about till last week, not debuting), but it won't make your feelings the responsibility of other people.

    You are right, that if his secret got out and he got kicked out, he would deserve it, but only because that's what he initially worked for, so he can't really complain about reaching a goal he wanted to achieve.
    Anyway, at the end of chapter 13 he already seemed to have accepted that he might as well debut, so there's that.

kikiify March 17, 2021 3:35 am

If there is yummy looking food I will read it

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