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ItFeelsLike's feed

Ok. First of all this is a spoiler but also a reason why I gave this a 1 star

The plot is that the MC remembered her past life (it seems like she used magic to be reincarnated but in return, she wont have her past memories until she reach a certain condition).

Now let's talk about her terrible treatment, the highlight of this post.
- She's being harassed, all over her body through her mind, body, heart, and soul. Now that she remembered her past life, she announced that she is not a pushover or along the lines that says or similar so. But her demeanor, words, and actions when the ML is pushing himself to her features what you called contradiction. She knows that she herself is broken, broken deep to her bones ever since she was born, so how could she tolerate the ML? How could she forget the emotions, the cruelty, the harassment, the life she lived before remembering it? Take note that she only remembered her past life, but that doesn't mean that her emotions will be replaced by her new persona because she is still her.

The author is really having fun with a little similar thing like Stockholm syndrome. No matter what the ML reasoning or excuse is, he is still equally and probably the greatest sinner to why MC have to face the harassment inside MLs house. I do not accept this kind of fantasy. No freaking way