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maddiedesu created a topic of Fancy Mate

The plot is hard enough to understand without half the characters looking the same. Half the time I'm looking at a character trying to determine if it's the seme or some guy with the same hair and face

maddiedesu created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

I really hope he doesn't break his heart

maddiedesu created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

Does this have a light novel or raws? I need to know what happens

maddiedesu created a topic of Payback

Anyone have a link to the raws?

maddiedesu created a topic of Admiration and Longing

If you're gonna say some dumb shit on a bl site about how Jesus loves you, of course someone's gonna call you out that simply being here is telling of your real intentions. I just think it's funny that when you start that conversation, and then when someone responds with their views, you respond saying they're wrong, then stop anyone from replying so you get the last word. Way to show you're open to discussion about religion on a niche website for yaoi