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Tsigili created a topic of Immediate Disadvantage

This author just gets me :(

Tsigili created a topic of I Swear I'm Not a Scammer!

No way you’re a dog ? So funny. Anyway what’s for dinner ?

Tsigili created a topic of My Suha

Not y’all cheering for more chapters with a rapist

Tsigili created a topic of Distorted Soul

I Hope the step dad never comes back.

Tsigili created a topic of Home
Tsigili created a topic of Groan

His body is so attractingly ugly. I hated it I need side stories

Tsigili created a topic of Chaotic Nights

His hair like that… gatdamn

Tsigili created a topic of One-Way Romance

Jdjdjfjfjjf changing your art style like that is WILD. Who are those people

Tsigili created a topic of Stars Seeing Nightmares

We said porn AND plot. :/

Tsigili created a topic of Slammer Dogs

I have a soft spot for the white haired psycho :(

Tsigili created a topic of INDOMITABLE CHAMPION

How interesting that the author decided to put a black man

Tsigili created a topic of Waterside Night


My country is turning into a fascist mess and this platform is my only escape. I can’t stand his stupid ass

Tsigili created a topic of Distorted Soul

As long as its consensual I guess :/

Tsigili created a topic of Waterside Night

Is there a shitty father epidemic in South Korea ? Why are all authors depicting those fucked up dads in their story ? Mine is bad but that’s some high level awfulness