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HarleyQRaven created a topic of Can I Bite You?

...translations make me wanna barf. I was reading on Webtoons but wanted to read ahead. I literally stopped reading and forgot about this webtoon because of the translations here turned me completely off and I was too impatient to wait for Webtoons. There should be some way to put a placeholder or something so these trash sites and their trash-lations aren't automatically updated here.

I understand why people are frustrated and/or mad. Granted that she is now in her sunken place due to past traumas and current betrayal that are constantly triggering her. Yet, Pen is literally being handed a helping hand to help get out of her situation (which many people don't get) and instead she's harshly slapping it away. What other choice does she really have now? Switching over to her father and brothers is impossible at this point. There is a good lesson to be learned here. To not put all of your eggs into one basket. Which is exactly what she did. Now that this happened, she has a choice to either sink or swim. Instead, she has lost all hope and is actively choosing to sink and wallow in her despair. I'm sure readers want her to keep fighting her way back to the top, especially because there is a hand reaching out towards her. You can empathize with one's situation while not being an enabler to their behavior. Personally I'm frustrated because of the way she is acting towards Callisto. She's trauma dumping on him when all he's trying to do is offer a helping hand. That's another lesson folks. Stop trauma dumping on innocent people.

....and now back to square one this story is taking us, I would not be surprised at all to find out that Celphi's real mom tried to kill him when he was an infant. She definitely gives off a bitter woman vibes.

HarleyQRaven created a topic of Chaotic Nights

At least give the young lady a chance to get acclimated with a p*nis first before smacking it up and flipping it like a pancake.

Isn't of hating a character because they aren't doing what I may think is right, I try to understand the complexities of the so called bad guy. Alexandros came into power through war and carnage and he has had to remain hardcore throughout his reign. OG Robellia is a green flag, but in the wrong type of story. In a different story, I would pair the OG Robellia with Norman. In this type of story, the new Robellia is the perfect match with the Emperor and the type of bad ass queen needed for this monarchy. One must remember that the marriage between OG Robellia and Alexandros was an arranged political marriage which was a norm at the time. Arranged marriages were rarely love matches. Many just gave in to their circumstances and found ways to endure. Alexandros may be seen as a cheater in some eyes, we don't even know if he actually ever had sex with Aisha. She seems as just another pawn who is there to help his reign be more legitimate. The new Robellia got sucked into the story and I don't blame her for wanting to get the heck outta there, but I also don't blame her for feeling tingles for Alexandros. SHE IS NOT THE OG ROBELLIA, but her own person who is experiencing 2nd hand emotions. I won't be upset at all when these two get together.

Love to finally have a female character who is assertive and isn't slut shamed. Male character was good, but a bit too green flag for me. It felt like he wasn't being his true self. He was doing everything just to please her with not much effort on her end. This gave the impression that their relationship was very uneven. He was desperate and she was desperately horney

I feel really bad for Asrahan because even though she thinks she's dying and is just trying to live her life before she dies, she's still manipulating him by not being truthful. Of course he's going to be hurt when you suddenly leave him girl no matter the reason! It also annoys me how handsy she is with the Priest guy which is now giving him love tingles. It's like her feelings are more genuine with him, and he's not the actual male lead. I also dislike how these stories make female characters look so weak when it comes to sex. Yes, sex can be exhausting, but sex can also be fun. It's somewhat a turn off by having the females always look so weak and tired to the point of them not actually enjoying the act of sex, but just giving in to their partners lustful needs. I love it when both characters are equally passionate about love making.

HarleyQRaven created a topic of Winter Wolf

I came here to reread and finish this story. They really did have such great sexual chemistry that progressed into actual affection and love. At times, the FL was annoying, but I chopped it up as naivete, being that she was raised as a noble and formerly engaged to a prince. I can't believe I pay Manta for their stripped-down G rated comics that literally change the story and our impressions of the characters in those stories.

HarleyQRaven created a topic of Altruistic Warrior

A bigger translation team hasn't picked this up or offered assistance to the current translator. Seems to be a pretty good story which people are interested in even if the smut isn't really smutty as I saw in a comment on another site or was it Tiktok?

Despite the crap translations (sorry BUT I'm not about to be fake nice here. Crap translations ruins a story..but thank you new uploader) Yet... from what can be gathered, the marital arrangements with both the Empress and royal concubine were of a political nature only. The Empress only ASSUMED that he was in love with the Concubine due to her own lackings. While the Emperor maybe guilty of neglect, there was never a love match with EITHER woman. He wanted a strong Empress which our FL initially wasn't. Now that the Empress (an imposter actually ) is finally acting out, his true feelings about the Concubine are becoming apparent and he is now second guessing himself. The story isn't about the Emperor redeeming himself. He was NEVER portrayed to be a good guy turned dick. The story is actually about the FL (Empress) getting a second chance to grow a backbone and become the strong, empowered woman the Emperor wanted his Empress to be. Too bad the actual Empress will never learn this lesson. The OG Empress, on her own decided to fall in love with such a cold man, but that was no fault of thr Emperor. He never lead her on which is far worse than simply being a cold individual. It's like forcing someone to like or love you because you like or love them. Life doesn't work that way.

HarleyQRaven created a topic of My Suha

I actually hated that Jiwoon and Suha ended up together. I felt Jiwoon deserved someone better, especially for what he endured at the hands of his awful grandmother. Dohyeok is also a victim when you think about it. He's a dick but was raised to be that way because of his grandmother. Call it having sympathy for the devil, but if anyone is to blame...It's Grandma! IDK why, but Siwoo looks like a more handsome and mature version of Suha when his hair is short. Overall, Siwoo and Dohyeok's story is far more interesting than the original which frustrated the heck out of me and deserves its own title and series.

HarleyQRaven created a topic of The End Of The World

So if that thought makes people mad, they probably should discontinue reading for their own sanity. For those willing to stay, let's just hope for some interesting character development. IMO, they are trauma bonding and both have poor self images of themselves for different reasons and circumstances. Not a bad read, but the same stereotypical characters nonetheless.

HarleyQRaven created a topic of The Path Of Star

Who was guy who grabbed Winter at the end of Chapter 40. The ML and 2nd ML CEO looks so alike, now I'm confused