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The art style is sooo pretty! And Karno’s blush is so freaking darn cute ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

Scar created a topic of I Will Change The Genre

I can’t with this. If I were Judith, I would’ve slapped the cold hard truth of her grandfather and luca both gatekeeping her. Like dude, do you want her to be unhappy just so you can be satisfied with your feelings?

Scar created a topic of I Was Just An Ordinary Lady

But I've noticed Felix's interest in Neves quite a few chapters back. And I also thought that he'd be the possessive and passionate type.

Scar created a topic of I Was Just An Ordinary Lady

Idk what to feel about this tbh. I mean good for the 2 of them and I kinda get why Finea feels that way. I just feel really conflicted. Idk if it's the fact that they're all so little still. And I'm here just waiting for the time skip when they're like teenagers or adults maybe

Scar created a topic of I Was Just An Ordinary Lady

Sometimes Finea's character is getting really annoying especially when she's often reminded of her age (her past age).

Scar created a topic of Head Over Heels

I thought this was a psycho couple having a happy ending but the story and everything especially the ending just makes me feel sad and now I kinda regret reading this at 3 AM