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apz5957 July 2, 2021 12:01 am

Yo there's literally no reason for fl to like this man other than his face. She's in danger literally all day every day because he has no reason to just not kill her.

Like he genuinely enjoys fking with her sanity and blackmailing her. He literally tries to keep her away from her friends and keeps her in his house.

If she falls in love with some bs like "why does my heart pump for him even though I'm scared" ill kill her myself

This psychotic man better fall in love first

    Kattz July 2, 2021 2:56 pm

    The worst part is that it seems like he is falling for her first but he also has no reason to??? I mean unless some psychological torture/fear fetish is all it takes for him, which at this point, i doubt doubt it's possible.

apz5957 May 11, 2021 6:12 am

So even when he's like in the bathroom, he can't text? When he's on the elevator, waiting for a taxi, before he goes to sleep, nothing? You telling me every waking second he can't send a "I'm sorry and I miss you, have a good day"?

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