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*waves around light stick*

Open the food stores! Bring out the finest wine! We celebrate until the third morn!


  • Author: Nod
  • Genres: Yaoi / Mature / Smut / Drama
RedScaleWyrm created a topic of Jinx

Your net worth is obviously more than that, so why would I settle for chump change?

Especially players who died and forgot to set their homepoint in the current town instead of their previous one.

RedScaleWyrm created a topic of Isekai Yururi Camp

and I ain't forgiving her for messing with MC's plants. No matter how much author will try to redeem her next.

The ice cream that's infamous. The infamous ice cream you get for helping with chores. That ice cream.

The skills aren't mage oriented too. They mentioned Haste and Strength as basic adventurer skills, but he basically just made a gravity version of those two buffs. It's a completely uninspired take.
I had hopes for the series, but of course, he had to take in a damsel in distress as a party mate.
I really want to like this but nah, I give up.
If this ever gets good in the later chapters, I don't care anymore. IT should have made itself good in the earlier chapters, where first impressions matter the most.

RedScaleWyrm created a topic of Make him cry

I mean really. Whatever boner I have immediately wilts when she makes an appearance. (=・ω・=)

is SI me swooping in to save Yurak from the FL's terrible clutches and helping him recover. (︶︿︶)=凸

RedScaleWyrm created a topic of The Titan's bride

-detects his partner's feelings
-spreads legs while half-asleep
-offers comfort (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

RedScaleWyrm created a topic of Home Plate Villain

The combo is making me hungry. And hor- (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

"polishing his spear". I'll have to use that one sometime. ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

RedScaleWyrm created a topic of Jigoku No Ashita

-he's like a bug desperate to breed
-died because of it
-you'd think now that he's dead, the part of his mind that rules over reproduction would also die away; but no of course not @w@

RedScaleWyrm created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

why hot (/TДT)/

RedScaleWyrm created a topic of Be the Actor


RedScaleWyrm created a topic of Jinx

"It's weird! Doc Dan and I checked all the supplies before just when they barged in-"

Cue realization, request CCTV of their locker and find that a switch did occur.

But Doc Dan has been fired already long ago, and a missing person report in his name was posted just a few days after having been fired. dun dun dun Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)