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SitKnee May 21, 2021 8:39 pm

So, I get that the author wants to file a lawsuit, and I know when I say this it's kinda going to be counter-intuitive, but why don't other authors who are aware of the illegal websites also take those measures? Or have they ever? Why does mangago still stand? Don't get me wrong, I love the website because it's free. But I also get that it's illegal and that we should support the authors. So, why is one manhwa getting that sort of treatment when we're aware that other manga/manhwa artists' work are being exploited (well in this case illegally used) just as much? What are your thoughts on that? Please, be respectful and thoughtful. I don't harbor any hate. I am just a curious bean. Have a good day/night everyone, much love (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    _ㅤㅤ May 21, 2021 8:45 pm

    I guess some don't really care about it because they are reaching more people or something like that?
    But it did happen before with two others that you can't now find anywhere (at least not PUBLICALY). One of them as Pian Pian and the other was AMOV.

    SitKnee May 21, 2021 8:49 pm
    I guess some don't really care about it because they are reaching more people or something like that?But it did happen before with two others that you can't now find anywhere (at least not PUBLICALY). One of th... _ㅤㅤ

    That makes sense. Thanks for the info :^)

    _ㅤㅤ May 21, 2021 9:26 pm
    That makes sense. Thanks for the info :^) SitKnee

    Also it's not that easy to take down, because you know there are multiple websites. But it's completely possible to do, if they really do want, like these 2 Artists did and how now this one wants to.

    I feel like is definitely a two way branch, oh don't be mistaken I'm not saying that reading illegally it's not wrong, I'm just saying that it can make people know and want to support works that they would probably not known or have read otherwise.

    Even thought it's clear that the Author's, overall, are not okay with their work on this types of site and that It does harm them, not every single one of them really seem to take measures, you know? It's not like they are okay with it or not bothered but more like they seem to have become... used to it? Or like there some accepetence that it's something that happens, even thought it's not something they like? I don't know how to explain properly and I could be completely wrong, it's just my take on It lol.

    Sorami May 21, 2021 9:54 pm

    Several creators are aware of illegal sharing sites.

    Some just see it as a necessary evil. I'm on that boat. Though the industry (manga and anime) have made a lot of strides on the past few decades in terms of reaching an international market, some creators/companies understand that part of the reason they are able to be successful in the west is that "eye patching" (avoiding censorship) basically highlighted a need that wasn't being met in the market.

    The fact that piracy is still so pervasive is an indication that the market has a lot of room to grow. Human beings are extremely lazy and will take the path of least resistance so the fact that anime and manga are some of the most eye patched media is indication that it's not accessible enough in legal ways.

    I found a YT-er who went into depth about eyepatching in the anime industry and I found his point compelling. I wish this could be discussed more openly.

    When music and movie streaming became more accessible eye patching those media went down. Now that the market is so saturated and movies in particular are scattered across streaming platforms eye patching actually went up last year. Game of Thrones is the most eye patched tv show in our time. The fact that only one streaming service holds rights to it and refuse to share is probably a contributing reason to that fact.

    I guess it's safe to conclude no or limited access leads to eye patching. But an oversaturated market with exclusivity also leads to pirating.

    When I think about it. I can find my favourite songs, movies and TV shows on multiple platforms but the same isn't true for my favourite webcomics/mangas.

    Personally, I think the layout of manga/webcomics is bad. If I had to pay, I'd rather pay for a monthly subscription where I have unlimited access to the stories on the platform. I think the coin system is exploitative if you aren't paying attention to your wallet. I'm baffled why basically a N**fl*x of manga/webcomics hasn't been created yet.

    Also with so many languages around the world and more and more people gaining access to the internet and having a lot of free time, it's possible that the model just can't work for the modern world.

    For example, I keep seeing Le**in authors fighting with Spanish speaking fans (in a pretty racist way sometimes) and that's because comics weren't being officially translated into Spanish which lead to negative assumptions being made. Le**in is obviously learning since they are now looking for Spanish translators.

    To me the obvious thing to do would be to team up with scanlation teams and hire them to officially translate works either live or shortly after being published in the original languages. (Basically what cr**chy**ll did for anime). If people have stories available to them in a reasonable time they'll probably be more willing to wait instead of eye patching because the orginal is on chapter 50 but the version in their language is on chapter 10, for example.

    To me YD has every right to be mad but I think she's approaching the problem wrong. Eye patching has been around since there has been art to eye patch and I don't think it's gonna stop any time soon. I think she should make peace with it if she wants a healthy career. I don't see illegal readers as wrong since it's not our fault that mangas are poorly accessible. (Yes I know some services give free coins but am I really supposed to believe that users are actually only reading one story and only coming over here for comments? Reading more than one story at a time isn't feasible with the current set up.)

    I see the true villians as those who charge others to read works they illegally translated. And I also see the platforms (like Le**in) as the villian for being so greedy that they don't pay authors well enough and don't let them publish the same story across multiple platforms to have more chances of reaching more paying customers.

    A lot of creators (regardless of media) are cornered into exclusivity deals where the platform they're on use their presence on the platform to boost their sales and stocks. They get paid a pitiable fraction of the profit the help generate for their platforms. And like in cases like YD and Le**in, they leave creators to fight for crumbs.

    The truth is at the end of the day the real winners are the platform who make a profit regardless of eye patching. The losers are the creators who can remain poor despite having a hit and consumers who are forced to either go broke "supporting artists" (further enriching platforms) or do without if not for eye patching.

    stargazing May 21, 2021 9:57 pm
    Also it's not that easy to take down, because you know there are multiple websites. But it's completely possible to do, if they really do want, like these 2 Artists did and how now this one wants to.I feel like... _ㅤㅤ

    Yeah maybe it's not that easy to take down a site.. cause i believe a big site illegal or not must have a backup for their site or even the file inside.. and maybe when somebody sue the site it will gone or take down.. but later will appear again with the same site or diffrent.. i already seen before for the same case.. there is a big illegal site for film/drama/etc take down by the goverment but still have so many backup account...

    Oh it just opinion and i still respect the author for their hardwork ( ̄∇ ̄") don't hate me please cause my heart is weak hehehe

    Daemon May 21, 2021 10:39 pm
    Several creators are aware of illegal sharing sites.Some just see it as a necessary evil. I'm on that boat. Though the industry (manga and anime) have made a lot of strides on the past few decades in terms of r... Sorami

    This is very well said.

    Crimson May 22, 2021 6:08 am

    I just think filing a law suit is very time consuming & costs a good deal of money, I'm sure many authors wanted to file law suits but they probably did not see it worth it with all the time & money that it costs.

    Joe Exotic May 23, 2021 6:33 am
    Several creators are aware of illegal sharing sites.Some just see it as a necessary evil. I'm on that boat. Though the industry (manga and anime) have made a lot of strides on the past few decades in terms of r... Sorami

    This is fantastically well written and I agree with everything you've said. Billibilli Comics has just become legal (I think it was a scanlation site) and is working with scanlation teams in the model you described so it'll be interesting to see what happens in the future.

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