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sunburn July 9, 2021 8:22 am

Where can I find the raws or other translations? I just want to find a version with better art haha so I set it as my phone background

sunburn August 7, 2020 10:19 pm

i'm not someone who comments often and prefer to lurk instead, but that pink-haired guy is seriously pissing me off. calling her someone who's easily bothered because he hung onto her wrist and didn't let her go...want me to slap you? if you get angry because of that, isn't that because you're too easily bothered, too?

anyway, i have no sympathy for creeps who look up people's addresses and wait for them at their homes...that's just begging for someone to throw you into a woodchipper and throw your remains into the ocean to rot. are you insane? is something off in your head? when you're such a low-quality guy, you aren't even comparable to trash. that's an insult to trash. ahh, seriously, i'm so annoyed...

    Song Ah July 17, 2021 3:53 am

    You took the words right outta my mouth

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