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Piratebunny September 16, 2020 2:52 pm

shes being really sefish right now, i understand that what she experienced was traumatic. but shes the queen, she has people to take care of, and all the thinks about is her fate. really selfish. I really admire the emperor here, he just went on to try and manage the situation even when he is heartbroken and in shock. empress take notes.

    Hanen September 16, 2020 2:57 pm

    She wasnt raised to be the queen, she was raised as a normal person, shes only been queen for a couple years, shes still in an unfamiliar place and is going through something traumatic with the fear that it is her fault that its happening. It's not her fault.

    DeadLotus September 16, 2020 3:59 pm

    She's a person who transmigrated into a another world though it was novel she had read before. She sees it more of a playthrough on story mode than a new reality she has to live in. So the fact that the story is divulging from the original is a scary thought and her freaking out is totally justified. Besides who wouldn't be traumatized after almost being killed/ watching someone you know is.

Piratebunny May 30, 2020 12:27 pm

aguy gi kilig kaau ko, go Lucas!

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