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Realistic, being mature, bla bla bla! I actually liked the chapters before they got together and I felt like it would’ve been better if they didn’t get together at all. Before this chap I didn’t even have any clear feelings towards the ml. But it’s clear now! I dislike that guy! Significant others having exes is not the issue, it’s springing up your ex to your bf without any explanation and being smug about it. It rubs me the wrong way so bad. And then pointing out how he insecure he would’ve felt in front of the ex if he didn’t go with. Embarrassing. It was barely fine when he was so wishy washy in front of the mc, not making it clear whether or not he wants to be with him. Grrr, worse is, mc just gets dragged along with this guy so he can do whatever he wants. Tsk

I bet the “brother” is his kid and he married young

I’m actually fine with the red head being the ml…rohan and mc’s chemistry is off the charts but in an enemies-to-never-even-lovers way, like strictly enemies. Ambiguous enemies. Not so ambiguous if the emperor orders her killed. I’d rather him than someone who wouldn’t hesitate to kill her.

Turbofan created a topic of The Path Of Star

OoOohh, the very tini tiny angst with the ml is hitting good

This is so funny, dumb, and traumatic at times T.T

Turbofan created a topic of The Path Of Star

Guys, I can’t help it but I’m rooting for the second male lead. I have nothing against the ml. It’s just that I’ve caught a really bad illness called “second male lead syndrome” In some cases, it’s terminal, in others, curable with happiness and self fulfillment. Hopefully the romance doctors have diagnosed me wrong and he does NOT have feelings for mc and genuinely just treats him like a top fan or I will pass away. Other methods of curing include both him and mc being happy regardless of the outcome of their relationship.

P.s. lowkey happy ml rejected him

Turbofan created a topic of Zhong Qing

Whatever you say pretty man

Turbofan created a topic of Romance, But Not Romantic

Someone has a crush and its not mc~~

Turbofan created a topic of Lady's Parfait Time

I hope the silly breakup lasts longer for retribution purposes. Like who the hell breaks up with someone after they confide in them, bro?? Walk off i guess

Turbofan created a topic of Waterside Night

Pkay son of a bitch he better not get hit by a car

I LOVE that she’s slightly manipulative but that page-jesus, someone, call an ambulance! *dies*

Feels like there’s jealousy in play in what the doctor is doing

this is kinda dumb. why does she think she can drag in another empire's dragon in a plot against the empire's prince? huh, kinda silly

Turbofan created a topic of My Perverted Stalker

BEAT HIS ASS!! OR CUT OFF HIS FINGER!! BREAK HIS BONES!! Im gonna go crazy if this gets swept under the rug like other mangas/manwhas

Turbofan created a topic of Gokutora no Honey Bunny

Bruh my smile dropped and all my goodwill for this manga vanished. Mc and his siblings gets threatened with human trafficking and assault and the bad guys get away with it? Worse the ml apologizes and gets mushy with the ringleader?? Wtf this isn’t even toxic yaoi, this is some normal guy almost getting SA’ed! Man, brushed aside attempted sa will always be my pet peeve especially in a nontoxic yaoi context and especially if its ml who brushes it aside the most! Although, considering mc’s “violence is never the answer” statement, it’s probably the authors thinking that’s the issue…

The artstyle is very inky and there’s an “ooh it’s a serious fantasy” vibe to it that i like. I especially like the ml’s design, he looks like an old school seinen/shonen character. Their characterizations are also very interesting but the plot is kind of meh to me. I’ve grown old but the trope of the heroine forgiving/letting go/being easy on the person who wronged them never will lol. Atleast this is more unique and interesting to read compared to the others